Nathaniel’s gaze sweeps over Ash’s face. In bright sunlight, her eyes are more green than gray. Like shards of sea glass he’s found on his dives.
She’s beautiful. The most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
“It’s amazing.” Her voice is husky, honeyed. Leaning in, she slings her arm around Augustus’s shoulder. “Legend is an ancient Hawaiian goddess named Hina lives in the lava cave below the falls.”
Augustus’s smile is wide. “Legends are the best things we can leave behind.”
“I concur mightily with that statement,” Ash says.
His grandfather pulls Ash into a hug. The familiarity betweenthem tightens Nathaniel’s throat. He turns away, moving to the railing to let them have their moment.
And then Ash is pulling out of Augustus’s arms and heading toward him. “I have something for you.”
“Let me guess. A noose.”
That gets him a grin. “Here.” She slips a hand into her pocket. When she pulls out a rock, his heartbeat turns irregular. Eyes gleaming, she holds it up. A shiny, jagged black rock.
At his quizzical look, Ash laughs. “Don’t worry. Gift shop rock. I don’t want to be cursed the rest of my life.” A shy smile crosses her face. “I figured the sentiment was the same. A rock. It’s for you.”
He can’t get the words out. She remembered. Found a way to do this for him. His chest damn near burns from the gesture. At his silence, she wrinkles her brow. Tilts her head. “You collect them, right? You’re in a new place, aren’t you?”
His gaze skims her lips before settling on her face, soaking in her beauty. “Yeah.” He swallows through his suddenly dry throat. “I am.”
That’s what he feels like with Ash. Like he’s in a new place. He’s a new him. Or maybe this is the him he’s always been. Maybe it’s Ash and her chiseling gaze that have chipped away at him until he’s just as shiny as that rock she holds.
She lowers her hand, hesitant. Uncertain. “Do you want it?”
“I do.” He rallies his cool, even as happiness rattles inside him. He doesn’t want her to think the wrong thing. To fuck this up.
But what isthis? There’s nothing to fuck up, is there?
She drops it into his palm. “There.” Her lips curve into a soft smile. “All yours.”
All his.
Before she can pull away, he captures her hand. Every inch of him is hot and tight. “Thank you.”
Ash is quiet for a long moment before she finally says, “You’re welcome.”
His heart roars in his ears.
Better. This trip has been betterbecause of Ash.
A crunching on the ground startles them both.
Nathaniel drops Ash’s hand. Delaney appears. She holds up the phone Nathaniel returned to her when they made it to the top, her face damp from the mist. “C’mon, big brother. The selfie light is insane.”
“Here.” Ash slips her cell phone from her back pocket. She waves at Tater and Claire. “Let me take it.”
As Nathaniel’s family lines up against the railing, backdropped by the waterfall, Augustus beckons to Ash. “Get in here, my dear.”
Shaking her dark head, she steps back. Positions her phone. “This is a family photo.”
“You should still get in here,” Nathaniel demands, fighting that burn in his chest. To be consumed by the voice in his head that tells him she belongs here.
Ash eyes him, pupils flaring. “Fine,” she sniffs. “If it’s my doula duty.”