Messy. She’s always been messy.
Slowly, Ash studies Delaney, looks at her phone. “How come you don’t hate me like everyone else?”
DeeDee drops her voice. Leans in to stage-whisper. “You have good vibes.” Her blue eyes narrow. “The person who took this didn’t.”
Clandestine conversations beneath palm trees. It’s what Ash is good at.
Phone to her ear, she waits. It rings and rings, and then the call goes to voicemail.
“Hi,” she says, the single word shaky. Her heart thunders in her chest. “It’s Ash Keller. I’m sure you remember me. I mean, how could you not, seeing as how I saved your life and all.” Fuck. When she’s anxious, she rambles. Calming herself, she inhales a breath. “I need to ask you something. Call me back.” She pulls the device away and taps End.
“Truth/lie,” a deep voice says in her ear. “You can’t stand it when people pay with exact change.”
“Jesus!” Jumping, she turns and scowls.
Nathaniel, golden and bronzed from the sun, stands not two feet away, one eyebrow cocked.
“You’d think being so very tall and assholeish, you’d lurch rather than quietly sneak up on your victims.” Ash tosses her hair. “And truth. You got me. I mean, the time it takes to count it all out? Sadistic.”
He smirks.
She glowers. Hating herself. Hating how her sneaky eyes run over Nathaniel. The expensive diving watch on his wrist, the wet suit half pulled down that long frame of his. The wheat-colored hair darkened by the water. So what if she could lap water out of the grooves of his abs? Eyes above his neck, please.
In return, Nathaniel’s heated gaze dips to her two-piece, bringing a scorching heat with it, before moving to her face.
So they’re attracted to each other. Big deal.
“You missed dinner last night.” His voice is thin, flat.
She tilts her chin. “I wasn’t aware that I had to spend every waking second with the Whitford clan.”
“My grandfather’s paying you. It’s the least you could do. Spend time with…with everyone. Make an effort.”
She rolls her eyes. “Is that on your family crest? ‘Make an effort’? It’s so extortionist of you.”
Before he can reply, she turns and trudges across the sand. She needs air. An escape from her guilt. From Nathaniel Whitford.
Naturally, the man follows. Even at a slow lope, he keeps pace with her. “How does all that sand feel in those boots?” She can hear the laughter in his voice.
To spite him, she continues struggling across the beach, huffing in her big black boots. “Phenomenal.”
Only she doesn’t get far.
A groove in the sand causes her ankle to roll.
Nathaniel’s quick, grabbing her by her elbow. “You know,” he says, steadying her. “The smart thing to do would be to leave the boots off.”
She scoffs. “They are my power suit.”
At the sound of a shriek, they both turn. The little redheaded kid from the hotel is barreling toward them at breakneck speed.
This time Ash is ready for it. She snatches the frisbee in midair.
The little boy stops in front of her, grunting and making grabby hands for his weapon of mass destruction.
“Kid. I’m gonna be real. I am at my fucking limit.” Ash squats down. Bares her teeth. “You hit me again with this frisbee, and I will personally eject you from this world, understand me?” With that, she flings the frisbee into the sea.
The little boy blinks at her, then turns, screeching to run toward the ocean.