Page 122 of For Better or Hearse

A quiet smile tugs at his mouth. “If it makes you feel any better, I almost hit him in the parking lot.”

“Open hand or fist?”


“Yeah,” she purrs, leaning in to sniff his neck. “That does make me feel good.”

He kisses her again, running a hand through her untamed black hair.

A soft murmur against his lips. “Still, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” The last thing he wants is for her to feel guilty.

“No, it isn’t.” She worries her lower lip between her teeth. “I’m getting blacklisted right now, aren’t I? Your family is going to tar and feather me poolside tomorrow.”

He chuckles softly.

“I did not observe, I absorbed, and now I’m in it.” She tilts her head back to look at him. Cups his cheek with a savage tenderness that makes his heart swell. “No one should talk to you like that, Nathaniel. It’s not right, and it’s not cool.”

Nathaniel’s heart thumps a strange beat. His mouth turns dry, but he manages. “You’re right. It’s not.”

It’s all he can say. When the truth is, there’s so much more. On the tip of his tongue. Burning like a forest fire through his heart.

The minute she lurched out of her chair, he knew he loved her.

That fierce defense of him, teeth bared, lit something inside. No one has ever stood up for him before. The tremble in her voice as she ripped his father a new one. The soft sheen in her eyes as she looked at him. He’s never seen anything more beautiful, never felt emotion for anyone like this.

Eleven days together, and already, she feels like the home he’s never had.

Which is why losing Ash before he even has her isn’t an option.

It’s fast. Fuck, he can’t argue with that. But he has to figure something out. Has to tell her.

But not here. Not tonight. Not when she won’t remember in the morning.

He laughs, snags her purse off the sand. “You know what was cool? You calling my dad a bona fide piece of shit.”

She groans again, slumps into his chest. “Oh god, let the sea take me at this point.”

“I can’t lose you to the sea.”

“And why’s that?”

He gives her an affectionate grin. “You do better terrifying the people on land.”

Nathaniel scans the ground, making sure he has her phone and purse. Then places his hand on her back, one arm already threading under her knees. Scoops her into his arms and stands.

“I knew you wanted to carry me like a caveman,” she murmurs.

“Another check off my bucket list.”

She closes one eye, peers at him with the other, her head resting against his chest. “Am I drunk?”

“A little. But it’s okay. I think everyone’s getting drunk tonight.”

She sighs contentedly. “Are you drunk?”

“No. I should be.” He’s silent, then says, “I listened to my brother’s podcast.” It’s what he and Tate did at the bar while they nursed shots of Jack.