She socks him in the arm. “Jerk.”
“It’s an easy hike, Dad,” Claire says as the caravan comes to a stop in the parking lot. “Rainbow Falls is just over the hill. It’s supposed to be one of the five best Big Island waterfalls.”
“Think you can steer clear of rockslides, Bigfoot?” Nathaniel asks, keeping his attention fixed on the guidebook even though there’s no need. The hike’s short. The morning sunny. Prime position to catch a rainbow.
Ash scoffs. “So hostile. Your grandson needs a leash, Augustus.” She keeps her voice bored, her face turned straight ahead.
Augustus chuckles.
But the tips of her ears are bright red. Just like her lipstick.
That red fucking lipstick that came off all over his cock last night.
How is it that only four days ago, all he wanted to do was buy her a one-way ticket back to LA? He was obsessed with hating her, now he’s just plain obsessed with her. She’s so fucking beautifuland mean, it messes with his mind. She’s under his skin, and he isn’t ashamed to admit he wants her to burrow in deep.
Fuck the hikes. He wants to be fucking Ash in every room of the hotel.
He’s not sure he’ll survive her in bed again. But damn if he doesn’t want to try.
One night with her wasn’t enough. He wants everything about last night all over again. Including the conversation. She heard his thoughts; she understood him. It’s been so long since he talked to a person who truly listened. It’s unreal to him, that this woman gets it. Gets him.
“This is actually a below-average hike, Nate,” Don says. He thumbs through his phone, expression bland. “Cliffs. Water. Rainbows. It’s all the same.”
Irritation spikes inside him. His jaw grinds.
“Funny, that’s what the Yelp reviews about your practice say,” Ash says coolly, examining her sharp nails. “Below average.”
Nathaniel smirks at the beet-red expression on his father’s face.
After disembarking at the parking lot, they begin the hike up the left shoulder of the falls. Only Don stays in the van to take a client call. Lush greenery surrounds them. Due to the early morning, the crowd’s small, making it a leisurely stroll up to the viewing platform.
Behind them, Delaney continues running her lines. “If you want to get out of this alive, trust me.”
Nathaniel stops. “Here, I’ll run lines with you.”
Delaney perks up, pink ponytail bouncing. “You will?”
When she hands him the phone, Nathaniel pockets it.
Ignoring her, he strides ahead to catch up with Ash.
“Can’t stay away?” she murmurs. “Must be a glutton for punishment.”
He sighs. “You’re somewhat intriguing. I hate myself for admitting that.”
Ash laughs and shakes her head. “You’re such a tall asshole.”
Chuckling, he moves his pack in front of him. Unzips it to deposit Delaney’s phone.
“Wait. What’s that?” Without breaking stride, Ash grabs the lip of his pack, drags it down to eye level. Spies the cache of granola bars, gel packets and peanut butter crackers he packed.
Shock creases her face. She throws him a puzzled glance. “Nathaniel…what?”
He swallows. Heat creeps up the back of his neck. “They’re for you. Just in case.” He can’t help but want to take care of her. Maybe it’s the doctor in him. Maybe it’s because he actually cares about this chaotic girl. The thought of her being without sugar terrifies him.
And Ash—she amazes him. After the story she told him last night, he cursed himself a hundred times over for giving her grief about her boots. The entirety of this trip, he’s seen it. She’s a lesson in strength. Resilience. Knocking down obstacles. But he’d expect nothing else from her. Not after he’s witnessed the way she puts everyone first. How deeply she cares. How she’s perfect just as she is. That’s not his opinion, it’s a fact. Anyone who disagrees with him can fuck off into the ocean.