Page 36 of One Sweet Lie

“I desperately need a change of scenery—even if it’s only for a day or two, and even if it’s just the inside of a bar and my old kitchen. I’ll be back at four a.m. on Monday.”

She wheeled the twins closer to me, and I held back a laugh.

“No,” I said.

“No, what?”

No, I’m not letting another man see you in that dress.

“No, you’re not allowed to be off tonight, Miss Hawthorne.” I kept my voice firm. “Let me remind you about what I expect from you as my nanny.”

“I’m yourchildren’snanny.”

“You know what I mean,” I said. “You are responsible for around the clock care, and per our agreement, all off days and any changes in our schedule need to be discussed or negotiated at least seventy two hours in advance.”

“I never agreed to be okay with neglecting a life of my own.”

“That’s literally the definition of ‘live-innanny.’”

“For only five days a week.”

“With overtime asrequiredand off days asrequested,” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Meaning, you have to ask. To be perfectly honest, at the rate I’m paying you, it should bother you to evenwantan off day.”

She narrowed her eyes right back at me, pursing her perfect lips.

“You need to pull out a dictionary and look up the phrase ‘work life balance,’ Mr. Dawson.

“That phrase is amyth.” I resisted the urge to pull her against my chest. “Seeing as though only one of us is a billionaire, I think it’s best if we take his view of things when it comes to things that are work-related.”

“We sure as hell shouldn’t take his view when it comes to treating his employees well.”

“No one on my staff has ever complained.”

“Not to your face.”

“Your next off day—ifI approve it—needs to be something for professional development,” he said. “I’m afraid a Happy Hour, where you could potentially get tipsy doesn’t fall under that category.”

“I was planning on gettinghammered.”

“Thanks for making my point.” I kissed William and Charlotte on their foreheads. “Have a goodnight and a safe ride home with yourfull-time nanny.”



“Thanks for calling Whimstery Cafe After Hours,” the bartender answered the phone. “How may I help you tonight?”

“Do you allow babies inside your establishment?”

The guy sighed. “Is this Harlow Hawthorne?”

“No.” I made my voice deeper. “I’m just a tourist.”

“Well, Just a Tourist, we don’t allow anyone under twenty-one in our bar.”

“Sounds like a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen…”

“Go to bed, Harlow.”