Page 123 of Alik

But being the center of attention in front of all those people, many of them the same people who wanted me dead, is not for a girl like me. I almost requested we elope. If it hadn’t been for Alik’s promotion, maybe I would’ve. A lieutenant has certain expectations that a soldier doesn’t.

Despite Alik’s betrayal in saving me, he says Nikita feels he can trust Alik’s loyalty while he questions the loyalty of the other lieutenants. I can feel the tension there, even as an outsider, and from the things I’ve heard about Nikita, it’s a wonder he hasn’t simply started killing everyone he’s uncertain about. Or hasn’t had Alik do it. But I suppose that list would include just about everyone.

Blinking slowly, I bring my eyes to the words on the vanity mirror scribbled in lipstick.

You look beautiful. Deep breaths. It’ll be great.

I stand so I can lightly run my fingertips over my handwriting before moving my gaze to my reflection. The first thing that stands out to me is my bright red lipstick, perfectly applied with an expert hand that isn’t my own, and yet … is.

My lips tilt into a smile as I lift my hand to feel the curled hair, pinned on top of my head. My makeup is skillfully applied; my simple, cream wedding gown hugs me perfectly.

As I stare in the mirror, I imagine she’s looking back at me. I can’t hear her, but she’s always there. Always watching, waiting…

“Thanks,” I whisper, lowering my hands to my lap.

The door to the dressing room opens, and my dad pokes his head in. “Sweetheart, are you almost ready?”

I look at the clock on the wall. 6:05. The wedding was supposed to start at six.

She got me ready just in time.

“Oh, uh, yeah.” I bunch the skirt of my dress as I walk around the bench to my dad. “Ready.”

My heart thunders in my chest as we make our way to the nave, nearly colliding with a latecomer who steps through the door, a dark hood pulled over his head.

His amber eyes meet mine, and although I’m certain I’ve never met this man in my life, I get the strangest feeling I know him from somewhere. A photo, maybe.

He must be one of Alik’s friends.

“Excuse me,” he says in a deep Russian accent that confirms my theory before striding to the staircase that leads to the balcony overlooking the sanctuary. He has a confident, powerful gait that holds my stare, my eyes squinting as I try to recall where I’ve seen him. It isn’t as though Alik keeps photos of his friends in frames on the mantle, so maybe it wasn’t from a photo.


“Honey?” Dad prompts.

I blink and turn back to the door of the nave. When my heart rate quickens, I realize my mind is probably just using that man to stall.

“I’m ready,” I say, breathless as I bob my head.

My dad interlocks my arm with his, and after a deep breath, we push through the doors.

I expect to panic. I expect fear. I expect to trip in this dress that feels too long and stutter when it’s time for me to speak. I expect to make an utter fool out of myself.

But when I find Alik with his hands cupped at the end of the aisle, his hair combed away from his unusual eyes for the first time, the tension releases from my shoulders, and the people in the room fade away. Everything goes silent, even though I know that isn’t possible because music is supposed to play.

I walk, my arm intertwined with Dad’s down the aisle with my eyes locked on Alik and only Alik while he smiles at me like he feels the love that overflows from my heart.

When we’re face-to-face, we take hands as the priest rattles on, but it’s Alik’s whisper that registers most clearly. “You look beautiful.”

You look beautiful. That’s what she said too.

I wonder if Alik knows it wasn’t me who put the makeup on, fixed my hair. Since that day with Creeper, my hatred for her has gradually waned. She’s fucked up my life in so many ways, but when it really counted, she was there. I don’t know what happened, but I know I’m alive, and I didn’t have to see the violence that ensured my continued existence.

I don’t hate her anymore. In fact, I think I can grow to like her.

“Thanks,” I whisper. “You look incredible too.”

He leans toward me, and for a moment, I think he’ll kiss me before it’s time. But he stops himself. His head turns toward the people for a moment, and I follow his eyes to the balcony. The man’s face is shadowed by his hood, but with the way Alik’s eyes narrow, I wonder if he can see him.