
Victor rolled him onto his back and moved down his body to take that lovely little cock between his lips. The reaction was delicious: a loud moan and the arching of his back. His beloved was delightfully responsive. He ate away at that gorgeous cock, taking it down his throat and spreading Jaden's legs far apart, forcing his cock to jut higher as he swallowed it down, stroking and pulling, leaving him tender and sensitive. He grew hard and wanting, burying his fingers in Victor’s hair and thrusting his hips forward.

It wasn’t long before he was reaching his peak and erupting in hard surges, filling Victor's throat with his sweetness. Jaden let out the breath he was holding and collapsed onto the bed, but Victor wasn't done. He wanted more from hisbeloved. He lifted Jaden’s hips and positioned himself against the back of his thighs. Victor’s cock was throbbing with the need to be inside his lover.

He pressed the head of his cock against that well-stretched hole and plunged inside with one thrust going deep, burying himself to the hilt before pulling back and doing it again and again. Jaden squealed with the burst of sensations that rushed through his body, and it fueled Victor’s need to do it again and hear that gorgeous sound over and over. It made his blood sing, and his desire burn for satisfaction. He hammered into his beloved, desperately seeking his own apex of completion.

Jaden started stroking his own cock bringing it back to life in seconds while Victor punished his hole with thrust after thrust plunging deep and spreading him wide. He watched Jaden pleasure himself, and it was the most erotic scene he’d ever witnessed.

“Come for me, baby.” He growled and pounded inside just as Jaden came, covering his hand and groin in his seed. Victor reached out, dipped his finger in, and brought it to his lips. “Lovely, just lovely.” He licked the finger clean, and Jaden came again.

“Oh, Victor, that was wicked.” He smiled and licked his lips.

Victor continued to hammer inside until he came in a hard rush, exploding inside his beloved and filling him once again with his seed, marking him inside and out as the beloved of the vampire. He held him until his body began to relax, and his heart settled back into a steady beat. Nothing had prepared him for the sheer magnitude of sensations that accompaniedevery touch of his beloved. A lifetime of this pleasure would still not be enough.

He slowly pulled out and lay down beside his amazing lover. For such a small man, he had the power to bring this vampire to his knees. “Rest my love.” He said, and he took a cloth from the side table and wiped him clean before cuddling him close once again. They were wrapped together in love and harmony, and he hoped it would last forever.

Jaden fell into a deep sleep, but Victor remained awake and alert, his mind filled with thoughts of Murphy and the loan sharks and anyone else related to the mess that Murphy subjected Jaden to. He called Conall to inform him of Jaden, but he was already aware and issued his congratulations. Victor explained the situation with the loan sharks, and Murphy and Conall offered to take care of both problems.

“I’d appreciate it if you’d handle the loan sharks, but I’ll take care of Murphy myself.”

“Consider it done.”

He then called Ethan, the head of IT and surveillance, and asked him to nail down the video and get rid of it. He promised Victor that it would be gone by morning. His beloved needed peace of mind and to get the leeches off his back. All that remained was to get rid of one tiger shifter.


Murphy returned to the apartment just before dawn. He’d been hiding out, and in fear of the jackals, he owed money. They had an agreement, Jaden in place of cash, but they were the type to disavow agreements and go straight for the jugular, so he laid low overnight.

The thought of Jaden with the vampire burned him in the worst way. The vampire wouldn’t keep a slut like Jaden, but he would use him for a few days, and in the meantime, Murphy was running from jackals. He wished he’d made a few more videos of Jaden and then just killed the little bastard. He was more trouble than he was worth.

He’d found that humans weren’t good for anything except a good fuck and a good thumping. His last human, Joel, a twink he’d met at the Blood Rose, managed to entertain him for nearly three weeks before becoming an insufferable bore. He sold him to a bear clan in the suburbs. That human knew his place and did as he was told, unlike Jaden, who always had an opinion.

He looked forward to either killing that little bastard and burying him at the landfill or handing him over to the jackals. He would teach him a lesson, an end-of-life lesson. He laughedat his own joke and called one of his contacts to see if the agreement was still in play.

“They’re gone. Every last fucking one of them has disappeared, man.” His contact was in a panic. “Something or someone came through and found every one of them, even the loathsome snake shifter, and they are gone. Nothing left but a scorch mark on the pavement.”

“You can’t be serious. Nothing has that kind of power.” Murphy disputed what he was being told.

“Enforcers from the Rose Coven came through here last night.” He informed but quietly as if he thought someone was listening.

“Why would they care?”

“I don’t know but apparently they do.” With that his contact closed the call leaving Murphy hanging with more questions. He decided he needed to make a move this might have nothing to do with Jaden or everything to do with Jaden so that young man needed to be eliminated.

He called Jaden because, chances are, he had his phone with him. The idiot went nowhere without his fucking phone. He put in the call and waited. It went to voice mail. He waited thirty minutes and called again, and it went to voice mail. He waited fifteen minutes, and this time, the fucking cunt picked up.

Victor heard the phone ringing, but Jaden was ignoring it. Then it rang again and again and finally Jaden could resist no longer and answered the call. Victor listened knowing who was calling and wishing that Jaden had let keep going to voice mail instead of talking to the bastard. But it was fear that wasstill pushing Jaden to a certain extent, and it would take time to purge that feeling. Murphy had conditioned him to be afraid.

“What do you want?” Jaden barked.

“Get your ass back home, or I'm going to find you and kill you and your new fuck buddy." That was it; Victor would tolerate no more. He took the phone from Jaden.

“I’m going to find you and pull your spine out, your asshole Murphy, and then I'm going cause you some real pain."

“Who is this?” He shouted with just a hint of terror.