Itbetrayed a shocking lack of anatomical awareness, or even basic education, but in this moment,Ebendidn’t care.Notwith this much hard prick buried inside him, taking pleasure with him, pumping its seed deep.Notas deep as thatSkaiwould have gone, no, andOthan’sprick didn’t boast a single scar, either.ButOthanwas fuckingEben, now, andEbenbelatedly, fervently nodded, clamping tighter against that thick pulsing prick.

“Youcan go harder, too, if you like,” he breathed over his shoulder, his usual hesitations blessedly buried beneath the pleasure and the frenzy, the stark desperate craving. “Useyour claws and teeth, or a switch, or a whip.Whateveryou please.”

Butbehind him,Othan’schuckle was hoarse and disbelieving, his big hands carefully caressingEben’sshivering flanks. “Couldn’tharm you, sweetKa-esh,” he gasped. “Wishfor your joy, ach?”

Ebenhad to choke down the surge of dark, bitter frustration, but he appeased himself with driving back deeper ontoOthan’sprick, sinking into the sensation of it, the challenge of gripping it as hard as he could, locking it into place.Andthat was enough to makeOthanwrench all over, crying out shocked and shrill — and yes, yes, there was his seed, flooding fast and abundant intoEben, filling his empty places from the bottom up, until he felt almost full, almost,almostcontent.

Afterwards,Othanwanted to kiss and cuddle him, butEbensuddenly couldn’t bear his touch, the longing in his eyes — and his desperate glance around the room thankfully settled onGareth, who’d just finished with the excessively beautifulJulian, his first fuck of the evening.AndGarethwas a good friend, a generousKa-esh clanmate, because upon seeing the look onEben’sface, he instantly came over toward them.Notsparinga single glance forOthanas he smiled atEben, and reached to slide a slow, suggestive hand against his arse.

“Readyfor more,Eben?”Garethasked, and yes, he was already turningEbenaround, guiding him away fromOthan. “Wishfor some steel in your rump, this time?”

Ebenfuriously nodded, and shot what he hoped was an apologetic smile towardOthan’srather crestfallen face.AndwhenGarethshovedEbendouble, he gratefully arched and opened forGareth’sfamiliar prick, hissing with the sweet, stunning pain of it slamming inside.

Thepain was due toGareth’smultiple solid steel piercings, which were embedded not only in his cleft, but all the way down his shaft.They’dsent more than one orc to the sickroom,Ebenknew, but he usually had enough control to handle it, to make himself open when he needed to, and not to let that steel-studded head anywhere near the delicate tissues deeper within.Buttoday, his control seemed frayed, lost somewhere else, and he choked aloud at the sudden scrape of pain, the distinct scent of it flaring in the air asGarethdrew out again.

“Allright,Eben?”Garethasked behind him, his voice sharp with genuine concern, andEbenhad to drag in a shaky breath, squeezing his eyes shut.No.Foolish.Hewould not weep over being asked a stupid single question, and he knewGarethdidn’t care, not like that.Asthoughtful and considerate asGarethusually was,Ebenknew how deeply he longed for someone who would fight him over the pain, who would greet his grating invading steel with vengeance and teeth.ButEbenwas not that kind of orc, had never been that kind of orc,Ebenwanted… he wanted…

“Ach,Iam well,”Ebenbelatedly replied, and then he twitched and gasped at the sweet, surprising sensation ofGareth’sbreath, his slick seeking tongue, delving into his open, dripping crease.Agift, truly, andEbenfought to keepOthan’sseed inside, away fromGareth’slovely licking mouth. “Th-thank you.”

Hecould already feel the pain prickling, fading beneath the wondrous analgesic of orc saliva, and whenGarethstood tall behind him again, perhaps hesitating,Ebenblatantly arched and opened himself, as wide as he could.Shudderingat the feel ofOthan’shot seed escaping, streaking liberally down his trembling thighs, but he knewGarethdidn’t care about other orcs’ seed on his prick, and oh, he was already leaning forward and nudging in again, more gently this time.

“Youare sure?”Garethasked, pushing in with a little more certainty, untilEbenstopped it, clamped him tightly in place. “Naughtis amiss?Ithought” — his voice dropped as he drew out again — “you should have welcomed an orc such asOthanploughing you thus, and wishing to tend you and fuss over you, after.”

Ebencouldn’t hide his wince, or his shameful, foolish reply, not with the beautiful strength ofGareth’ssteel dragging deep inside him. “Ach,Ishould have welcomed this,” he gasped, squeezing his eyes shut. “Buttoday,Iwas in the —Skaiwing, andI—”

Hisvoice failed him there, his thoughts blooming with the vision of the tallSkai’sfat, scarred, dripping prick, his quick, approving smile.Whilebehind him,Gareth’sthrusts slowed, andEbencould feel his focus now, could taste the surprise in his scent. “Youdid not — mate with aSkai, did you?” he asked. “Icannot scent this upon you…?”

Heleft the question dangling, andEbenshook his head, shoved back a little harder onto that scraping steel. “No,” he said, too insistent, too betraying. “ButI—”

He… what?Hecould have done it?He’dwanted to do it?He’dwanted to wander aimlessly about theSkaiwing, and then turn around, and find that tall, smiling orc again.Andin anotherrealm, one whereEbenwas calm and confident and desirable, he might have smiled and said,Itturns outIam lost after all, good sir.Wouldyou show me the way?

Foolish, his distant thoughts chanted, and he again shook his head, focused on staying soft for that sweet sliding steel. “Itwas foolish,” he croaked. “Therewas just one who was — kind.Helpedme.Notlike —Ithought.”

Hewinced again, shaking his head, because a moment’s kindness in a corridor had nothing to do with an entire clan’s sins, with the path ofKa-esh grief and devastation theSkaihad left in their wake for the past half-century.Andit made no sense forEbento even notice thatSkai, or care, let alone to have him ruin a perfectly good evening of perfectly good ploughing pricks.

“Youken we cannot judge a whole clan upon the actions of some, many years past,” cameGareth’sslow, thoughtful voice behindEben, in strong contrast to how his steel-studded prick was sinking in faster now, scattering out jolts of pleasure around it. “Youken theSkaihave new leaders now, and they are seeking these new ways, ach?Andseeking to make amends for their past sins.”

Ebennodded, shifting his upper body heavier against the wall, feeling the welcome scrape of rough stone against his sweaty skin. “Butthey still aren’t even following the rules,” he gasped, because it was the only safe statement he could grasp at, in the whirling mess now clouding his thoughts. “Theywere openly fucking in the corridor!”

Hisvoice came out sounding inordinately irate, and he fully deservedGareth’samused chuckle behind him, the sharper thrust of his hips. “Ihad you outside the forge just last week, didInot?” he said wryly. “Whatis the harm, if there are only orcs of age within scenting distance?Weall know what is afoot, whether it is before our eyes or no.”

Buttherewasa harm,Eben’saggravated thoughts pointed out.Aharm of some clumsy, unsuspecting foolKa-esh walking past, and not being able to look away.Notbeing able to stop thinking of that tall, stunningSkai, and his beautiful scarred prick.Aprick that would be a true joy to milk and squeeze, to welcome deep inside, into one’s most tender places…

Andit would be a joy to drink from, too.Forthose scars, those teeth-marks, laddered up theSkai’sprick, meant that he often offered the gift of his fresh blood and seed together — and there was no other taste like it in all the realm.Eben’sown extensive research had suggested that there was no other nourishment like it, either, nothing else that would better fatten a sick or weakened or weary orc.

Andeven the thought of it, of that stunning smilingSkaioffering it, was drawing upEben’sbollocks, coiling the longing tight and close.Buthe suddenly couldn’t bear to empty himself on the vision of this, the too-powerful memory of this, and therefore welcome even more of thatSkai’sdestruction, his devastation, without even a touch —

“Couldyou use — the switch,” he gasped over his shoulder. “Orthe whip.Please.”

Gareth’sbreath huffed againstEben’ssweaty back, but he accordingly reached up to the well-stocked wall beside them, and pulled down a short, coiled whip.Buteven as he unfurled it, giving an experimental little snap into the air, his other hand stroked atEben’sflank, perhaps felt the heavy dragging of his gasping breaths.

“Thereis naught wrong with broadening your view of others, as you grow older and wiser,”Gareth’slow voice said, even as the whip’s fall gently teased atEben’sback. “Andnaught wrong with desiring aSkai, either.”

Ebenknew that, of course he knew that — broadening views along with desires was embedded deep in theKa-esh clan’svery soul, was it not?Andhe rapidly, fervently nodded, but the lash still didn’t strike, just kept taunting and trailing like that, making him pay attention, making him listen.

“Iken you only need to learn more,”Garethcontinued, slower. “Tomayhap watch them for a spell, and see what they do, and how they live.Howthey treat their kin and those they care for.Whatthey long for, in their kin, and their mates.Andthen, after this” — a very gentle, teasing swat of the lash — “you can choose what to do with this.Whetheryou should welcome aSkaiinto your life, or your bed.”

Itwas sound advice,Ebencould admit, and far more generous than he likely deserved.Andfar more presumptuous, too, becauseEbenwasn’t nearly interesting or compelling enough for anySkaito want in his bed, most of all aSkailike that — but even so, he couldn’t help his swift, grateful smile over his shoulder, his eyes warm onGareth’sflushed face.FeelinghowGareth’scock had swelled larger, too, scraping his walls with that sweet sharp steel, while the whip raised high, quivering in the air…