“Sogood, pet,”Tryggrcrooned, husky and hot, as his cock swelled even fuller inEben’smouth. “Sosweet.An’ you’re gonna be even sweeter once you’re stuffed full ofSkaiseed, ach?Onceyou’re reeking of me from both ends, just like the perfect little pet you are?”
Yes, please,please,Eben’sgroan burning through his convulsing, blocked-off throat, his tongue frantically caressing the hard flesh cramming into his mouth, his wide eyes pleading onTryggr’sface — and oh, the wayTryggrshouted and bent double as he sprayed out, blasting surge after surge of freshSkaiseed straight down intoEben’sopen, spasming throat.
Oneof the watching orcs whistled, low and approving, butEben’sfull focus was still on caressingTryggr’sconvulsing prick, milking out every bit of that sweetSkaiseed, while holding his eyes toTryggr’sflushed face.Needinghis praise, his approval, and yes, it was already here,Tryggr’sshaky hands stroking his hot cheeks, his hair, his bulging throat.
“Sopretty,Ka-esh,” he choked. “Sosweet.Soperfect.Ach.”
Andit was perfect, it was,TryggrflauntingEben, praisingEben, touching him, filling him.Floodinghim with his scent and his pleasure, to the point whereEbencould scarcely see the others, couldn’t even make out their scents, so perfect and safe and content…
Atleast, until his hazy, blinking eyes caught a glimpse of a huge, hulking orc, striding into the room — andEbenfroze,jolted backwards, as distant recognition spiked through his thoughts, tangled with vivid, horrible memories of that day in the arena.Ofhimself, exposed, compromised, weak, as that — this? —Skaaporc had trapped him, threatened him, wanted to —
“Ach,Ka-esh!”Tryggryelped, as strong hands hauledEbenup, clutched him tight and close into his lap. “Ach, don’t scent thus!Naughtto fear!You’resafe, pet.Safe.”
Oh.Ebenwas still shivering, clinging toTryggr, as his bleary eyes finally focused on the orc at the door, and found —Ulfarr.Oh, curse it, it was onlyUlfarr, foolish, foolish, what would they think of him, what wouldTryggrthink of him —
“S-sorry,” he gulped, too quickly, intoTryggr’schest. “F-foolish.Justthought it was — someone else.”
Tryggr’sfirm hands were still gripping him, caressing him, but there was no judgement in his scent.Onlya sudden, grim comprehension as his breath huffed out, and his hands drewEbeneven closer than before.
“Ach,Isee,” he said quiet. “Butnaught to fear, pet, forSkaapis dead.”
Wait.Skaapwas — dead?!AndEbenjolted again, staring atTryggr’sface, as yet more alarm roiled through his chest.Hehadn’t wanted to cause any trouble, let alone an orc’sdeath, and had it been his fault, his doing, no, no, no —
“Iken it’s distressing, pet, but it had to be done,”Tryggrsaid, his voice a little harder, his hands still stroking firmly atEben’sskin. “Turnedout you weren’t the only one — or even the onlyKa-esh —Skaapforced to his bidding.An’ he had plenty of chances to make amends, but instead he spoke false to us and kept at it, ach?Couldn’tlet it go any further, pet.Needto keep kin like yousafe.”
Oh.Ebenwas slightly relaxing again, though he couldn’t help an uneasy glance around at the other watchingSkai, too.Expecting, perhaps, some kind of resistance, or judgement — but there was only the same grim, flinty certainty, and even a few curt nods.
“Weken youKa-esh have oft feared us, pet,”Tryggrsaid, soft again. “Butwe don’t wish you to run and hide from us, as you so oft do, ach?Wishyou to trust us, and know we’ll do our jobs, and keep you safe.Whilstwe trust you to keep our mountain standing, give us safe air, offer us help and medicine, and all the other good you do for us.Somuch good,Ka-esh.”
Therewas genuine emotion in his voice, in his hand’s all-encompassing wave at the room, the mountain, atEbenhimself.AndasEbenblinked back, the last of his father’s words seemed to whisper away, vanishing into the steady splash of the bath’s pouring water.Nevertrust a… let one find you…
Ebenswallowed hard, gave a faint little sniffle, twitched a shaky, grateful smile atTryggr’sface.AndTryggrwas smiling back, looking distinctly relieved, as warmth and affection shimmered in his eyes. “Good,Ka-esh,” he murmured. “Soit had naught to do with you, and you don’t need to spare it another thought, ach?An’ if it helps at all” — he darted a glance upwards — “IkenSkaap’sdeath was quick and easy, too.Ach, brother?”
Andwait, he was talking toUlfarr, whose huge, stiff body was still standing near the door, his hands in tight fists at his sides.Butthen he nodded, curt and decisive, even as something like regret, or maybe grief, glinted in his eyes.
“Ach, it was kinder than he deserved,” he said, his voice hard. “Weare most sorry,Ka-esh, for the fear and pain he brought you.Henceforth, we shall do our utmost to keep you safe.”
Heaccompanied the words with a bow of his head, a clutch of his big fist over his heart.AndEben’sown heart skipped a beat, his body relaxing heavier intoTryggr’s, his head twitching a nod. “Th-thank you,” he whispered. “Thatis — very kind.”
Ulfarrgrimaced, but then nodded, and headed for the door.Atleast, until he hesitated and glanced back towardTryggr, signing somethingEbencouldn’t fully follow.Somethingabout — vexed fathers?
“Ach,Skai-kesh above,”Tryggrmuttered, as he rolled his eyes, and ran a hand against his still-wet hair, now half-fallen out of his topknot. “Shouldaknown he’d be scenting, and prowling about in high dudgeon.”
Eben’sbody sat up straight again, his eyes searching uneasily atTryggr’sface.ButTryggrflashed him a wry, reassuring grin, and clapped a steady hand to his shoulder.Safe.Safe.
“C’mon, pet,” he said firmly. “Andlet’s go meet your new kin.”
Tryggrwanted to introduceEbento his new kin.
Thoseunexpected, unnerving words simmered low inEben’sbelly asTryggrpromptly drew him to his feet again, tossed him his trousers, and began combing out his hair with his claws. “Sopretty,Ka-esh,” he murmured. “MindifIleave this down, for now?”
Ebendidn’t mind, of course, and he was soon treated to the sight ofTryggrwith his own long hair down, too.Thedark shiny fall of it beautifully framing his handsome face, setting off his warm eyes, andTryggrdragged his fingers through it with far more force than he’d used onEben, his dagger glinting silver in his teeth.AndEbenblinked as he watched, heat pooling in his belly, before he belatedly reached a shaky hand for the dagger, and plucked it out ofTryggr’smouth.
“Thiscould break your teeth, sir,” he said, though his face was already burning. “Orcut your mouth, also.”
ButifTryggrwas bothered at being corrected by his pet, he didn’t at all show it, and instead winked atEben, and reached to swipe a finger down the blade’s gleaming edge. “Ain’tsharp thus, pet,” he said. “Onlythe tip, ach?Don’twant a haircut every timeIput it up, you ken.But” — he leaned down and pressed a brief kiss toEben’sforehead — “thanks for looking out for me, sweet thing.”