Page 31 of Tryggred By the Orc

“Lookat you, pet,” he murmured. “Messinglike that all over theSkaibaths, while your lord’s just tryna get you clean.IkenIoughta bend you over my knee for this, ach?”

Oh, hell, he didn’t mean it, or did he — but his devious smile had pulled even higher, and he firmly graspedEben’sarse again, and guided him out of the water.Towardone of the benches lining the bath’s stone walls, and in a swift movement,Tryggrsank down onto it, grippedEbenby the hips, and then hauled him face-down over hislap.

Fuck.EvenEben’smost wondrous fantasies had never imagined this, his lord pinning his bare, shivering body over his lap in the publicSkaibaths.Butit was happening, it was, andTryggr’swarm hand was giving his upraised arse a firm, approving caress.

“Thisis what you get, pet,” he purred, “when you misbehave for your lord.You’regonna need to be taught a lesson, ach?”

Ebengasped and shuddered, his prick already straining againstTryggr’sthigh, andTryggrhuffed a low, triumphant laugh as he gaveEben’sarse another firm little squeeze.Andthen that warm hand drew back, away, waiting, oh — and landed in a firm, ringing slap.

Itrang throughEbenlike a jolt, like a surging shock of raging craving — and oh, the wayTryggrlaughed again, easy and exultant, asEbensquirmed and moaned.Asthat hand began caressing his arse-cheek again, letting its claws sink in, before drawing back, and slapping again.Andthen again, and again, each strike makingEbenshout and tremble, firing him deeper and deeper into the screeching, frantic frenzy.

“Good, pet,”Tryggrbreathed, between slaps, thoughEbencould taste his own reeling hunger now, too. “You’rebeing such a good little thing, aren’t you?Bearingyour punishment so well.Lettingyour lord teach you a lesson.”

Eben’smoans lurched even higher, his body writhing inTryggr’slap, andTryggr’slaugh was almost a groan this time. “Sucha good pet, sweet thing,” he gasped, as his hand lingered, caressed, before striking again. “Sofucking good.Ach,I’vewanted to do this since the first timeIsaw you, knew you’d be just the thing, just the sweetest, so pretty with your tight little arse up in the air, with my big red handprints all over it —”

Fuck, fuck,Ebenwas so close, he was about to blow, right here onTryggr’slap — and he had to force himself to stillness, squeeze his eyes shut, bite his lip as hard as he could.Andfor an instant, he could tasteTryggr’sconfusion, his hand spasming against his arse — and then the scent of his comprehension, and another low, approving laugh.

“Ach, are you tryna keep from messing on me, sweet thing?”Tryggrasked, breathless. “Areyou being a good little pet?Learningall your lessons?”

Ebendesperately, fervently nodded, andTryggrlaughed again, his hand now caressingEben’sburning arse-cheeks. “Good, pet,” he murmured. “Evenbetter thanIthought.Iken you deserve a little treat from your lord, ach?”

Oh, yes, please, andEbenrapidly nodded again, and willingly allowedTryggr’sstrong hands to grip him, and turn him over.Sohe was now lying face-up and naked overTryggr’slap, his straining, dripping cock jutting straight upwards, for anyone to see…

Andwait, anyone could see, oh hell.BecauseEbenhadn’t even noticed that there were now a handful ofSkaiin the room, and they’d all been standing there, and watchingTryggrspankhim.ButTryggr’seyes were only on him, only onEben’shard, ruddy cock, and he inhaled slow and deep, his eyes fluttering, as he shiftedEbenupwards on the bench, bent over him, and…

SuckedEbeninto hismouth.

Ebenshouted and arched, his eyes rolling back, because aSkaiwas sucking him, surrounding him with slick, hungry heat.Wantinghim, rewarding him, giving his pet a treat, oh hell — and there was no way to control it, no way to keep it in, only breaking, spraying, surging it out into that tight, wonderful mouth.AndTryggrwas swallowing it, drinking it up with all apparent eagerness, sucking out every last drop, untilEbenwas shaky and spent all over.

“Fuck,” he gasped, without at all meaning to, as his body arched into a hard, aching shudder. “Th-thank you, sir.”

Heonly vaguely heard the low, approving chuckles from the otherSkainow in the room, because there was onlyTryggr, drawing up and licking his lips, as hunger crackled and shimmered in his scent. “Youdeserved it, pet,” he murmured. “An’ you taste just as sweet as you look, ach?”

Ebencouldn’t even speak, not beneath the awe and the ache and the fervour, and suddenly it was all too much,too impossibly overwhelming, shivering all through his body, prickling behind his eyes.AndmaybeTryggrsaw it, or even understood it, his warm hands strokingEben, caressing him, reassuring him.Andthen gripping him again, and this time, moving him… downwards.Downso he was kneeling betweenTryggr’sthighs on the hard floor, with — oh —Tryggr’sscarred, swollen cock jutting straight toward his mouth.

“Inyour mouth, pet,”Tryggrbreathed, his claws sinking intoEben’shair. “An’Idon’t want you eventhinkingabout making it good for me, ach?Youjust relax, and drink.Asmuch as you want.”

Oh.Oh, he wasn’t offering that, but he was, he was.Hisstrong hand now drawingEben’shead forward, fillingEben’smouth with his waiting, dripping prick.Withthat wondrous rich sweet taste of him, and whenEbendrew down a tentative swallow,Tryggrsmiled softly toward him, and sank his other hand intoEben’shair, too.

“Good, pet,” he murmured. “Justlike that.An’ you can bite it too, if you want.”

Wait.Wait, truly?Ebencould —dothat?Butyes, oh,Tryggr’ssmile had gone a bit bemused, his hands stroking deeper throughEben’shair. “Anytimeyou want, sweet thing,” he continued, softer. “Gottafeed my pretty pet properly, you ken.”

Ebencouldn’t hide his moan, or his brash, furious longing, his teeth already settling tentative against the tender skin ofTryggr’sshaft in his mouth.ButTryggrjust kept watching, smiling, stroking, waiting — soEbengathered his courage, and bit down into that hard, pulsing flesh.

Theblood instantly swarmed into his mouth, blending heady and rich with the sweet seeping seed — andfuck, it was good, so good, maybe the best thingEbenhad ever tasted in all his days.Andhe was already moaning, sucking harder, even as he darted a pleading, apologetic look up atTryggr’sface — butTryggrwas still just smiling at him, fond and approving, as the hunger flashed higher in his scent, and a distinctive flush stained his cheeks.

“Ach, just thus, pet,” he said, hoarse. “Justwhat you’ve been needing,Iken.”

Oh, this couldn’t be happening,Ebenhad never known anything like this, had never needed anything like this.Hislord so freely feeding him the most priceless, most precious meal in all the realm, while still caressing him, smiling at him, approving of him.Andwhen anotherSkaistrode over, and signed something atTryggr,Ebendidn’t mind in the slightest — and it might have been even more contented, wonderful warmth, pooling in his belly.Tryggrdidn’t care who saw this.Tryggrmaybe even wanted his clanmates to see this, his sweetKa-esh pet kneeling between his sprawled thighs, and suckling out his goodSkaisustenance.

“No,I’mnot sharing him,”Tryggrtold the new orc, though his voice was mild, even smug. “Youcan go get your own, just likeIdid.An’ also” — he hesitated, his eyes gone thoughtful on the orc’s face, even as he kept caressingEben’shead — “you ken, there are some sweetKa-esh down there who’d make you fight ’em for it.An’ even whip you with this vicious lash they got, too.”

Thatseemed… specific, andEben’shazy eyes darted sideways, fought to focus on the new orc’s face.Andwait, damn it, it was that same handsomeSkaiTryggrhad been fucking in the corridor, that very first dayEbenhad seen him — and the orc’s expression was one of mingled disappointment and curiosity, his eyes lingering onEben’sface.

Andoh,Tryggrwas drawingEben’sface forward, now, sinking himself a bit deeper — showingEbenoff for this orc, oh hell. “Pretty, though, ain’t he?”Tryggrsaid, with distinct satisfaction. “Damnedgood with his mouth, too.Caneven suck me full down his tight little throat, can’t you, pretty pet?”

Oh, yes, yes,Ebencould, and didTryggrmean he wanted to show them — and yes, he did, andEbenwanted to show them, too.Becausethere were moreSkai, coming over to see, to watch, andEbendrew in a breath, held his eyes onTryggr’sface, and slowly, surely, sucked him deep.Buryingthat hugeSkaicock down his opened, spasming throat, and then holding it there, sucking as hard as he could, whileTryggrwatched with hungry, fluttering eyes, his hands skittering inEben’shair.