Page 30 of Tryggred By the Orc

“Good,Ka-esh,”Tryggrwhispered, shaky intoEben’sneck, as his teeth scraped over his skin. “Realgood.You’regonna be such a good little pet, aren’t you?”

Andeven as his teeth finally struck, sinking deep and hungry intoEben’sskin,Ebencould still feel him watching, waiting for the answer.Needingto hear it, even now, even as he greedily gulpedEben’slifeblood, and kept squeezing the dregs of his bollocks intoEben’sbelly.

“Ach, sir,”Ebensaid, and he meant it, so deep it sang and ached in his heart. “Iam honoured to serve.”


WhenTryggrfinally finished withEbenin the scullery,Ebenwas flushed and sweaty and rumpled all over, his hair mussed and loose, his marked neck streaked and sticky with his blood.Andhis legs were still weak and shaky, his arse rough and raw, to the point where he was noticeably limping, and clinging tightly toTryggr’sarm beside him.

ButTryggrclearly wasn’t bothered, and if anything, he scented even stronger of triumph than before.AndwhenEbententatively offered to wash up in the scullery,Tryggrscoffed and flatly refused, and ordered him to theSkaibaths instead.

“I’mnot having m’pet wash in a scullery,” he snapped. “Skai-kesh knows you’ve already borne enough in here, ach?You’remine now, which means you’re gonna get proper care, and a proper bath.”

Ebenflushed and shyly smiled, and allowedTryggrto march him out through the kitchen, past an amused but unsurprised-lookingGegnir, and into the corridor.Where,Eben’sfluttering thoughts soon realized, his state and his scent very clearly announced just how matters stood, to anyone who walked by.Includingseveral former patients, a wide-eyedKa-esh engineer, and —Eben’sbreath caught —Gareth.

Andcurse it, perhapsGarethhad come to check on the washing machines, but now he halted mid-step in the corridor, his eyes widening onEben’sface, and then flicking to his bruised, bitten neck.WhilebesideEben,TryggrflashedGaretha toothy, not-so-nice smile, and blatantly palmed atEben’sarse.

Ebencould scentGareth’ssurprise, followed by something much like jealousy — but then he made an obvious effort to smile, as he gave them a curt little nod. “IseeIowe you my best wishes, brothers,” he said, though his voice hitched. “Ifyou ever have need of akraga, only come to me, ach?”

Ebenblinked, more heat flooding into his cheeks as he glanced sideways atTryggr— who was still looking smug, and perhaps a little thoughtful, as he nodded back, and then usheredEbenpastGarethdown the corridor. “Remindme, pet,” he said, “what’s akraga?Notthose pretty little gold collars youKa-esh sometimes wear?”

Eben’ssteps faltered —Tryggrwas asking aboutkragas?! — and a slow, dangerous grin was already pulling atTryggr’smouth, his claws coming up to tickle atEben’snewly marked neck. “Ach,Isee,” he said, lower. “Wouldlook real nice on you, pet, wouldn’t it?”

Oh, hell,Ebentruly could not breathe, amidst the shock and the abject yearning, andTryggrkept smiling at him, dark and hungry, as his claws scraped a little harder.Andit was so distracting thatEbendidn’t even notice whenTryggrguided him sideways into a room.NottheSkaibaths, but — wait — the sickroom?

“Didn’tbring you here to work, pet,”Tryggrsaid quickly, with a reassuring smile toward him. “Justwant to be sure you’re well, ach?”

Oh.Tryggrhad broughtEbenhere as — a patient.Andeven asEbenbalked and waved it away,Kesstwas already striding over to greet them, his arched brows rapidly rising.Whileacross the room,Ebencaught sight ofSalvi, who must have just returned from his trip north — and who was now grinning at him with bright, jubilant glee.

“What’sthis?”Kesstasked, his voice sharp. “Goodgods, youreekofSkai,Eben— and you haven’tinjuredhim, have you,Tryggr?”

“’Coursenot,”Tryggrsnapped back, even as his arm tightened possessively aroundEben’sshoulders. “Justfinally settled things between us, and wanted to make sure he’s looked after, and cared for.Asheshouldbe.”

He’dfixedKesstwith a pointed frown, while across the roomEfterarcleared his throat, and strode over to join them. “Thanks,Tryggr,” he said firmly. “We’vebeen learning we could use the help, right,Sweet-Fang?”

He’dgently elbowedKesstin the side as he’d spoken, his gaze already focused onEben’sneck, his hand rising to hover over it. “Andwe’re thankful for theSkai— and theKa-esh — who offer their help so freely,” he continued, “without demanding anything in return.”

Wait.WasEfterartalking aboutTryggr— and aboutEben?Butyes,Efterar’seyes darting towardEben’sface were grateful, and a little regretful, too. “IknowIhaven’t said it enough,” he added, “but you’re an exceptional colleague,Eben.You’vemade yourself an expert in your field, you have an incredible work ethic, our patients love you — and you often see things the rest of us don’t.It’sa real help, and we’re lucky to have you.Thanks.”

Truly?Eben’sface was smarting even hotter than before, his eyes prickling, his head rapidly shaking — but beside him,Tryggrgave a low harrumph, his arm squeezing tightly aroundEben’sshoulders. “Ach, youarelucky to have him,” he saidcoolly. “Andfrom now on, he’s gonna be putting in less time here, too.He’sgonna be moving in with me, andI’llbe making sure he’s got plenty of time to read, and fuck, andsleep.”

Wait, he was?!Butthere wasn’t the slightest hesitation inTryggr’sscent as he promptly wheeledEbenaround, and marched him back toward the door.AndwhenEbengave a distracted wave goodbye over his shoulder,EfterarandKesstboth smiled and waved back, even thoughEbenheardKesstmutter something aboutobnoxiousSkaifuckboysunder his breath.Whileat his workbench,Salviwas still gleefully grinning, and givingEbena salute with his jar of tonic that clearly said,Itold you so.

“Areyou… sure, about that?”Ebenmanaged, onceTryggrwas ushering him down the corridor again. “Me… moving in with you?”

Tryggr’sglance toward him was surprised, and a bit mulish, too. “Ach, yes,” he said flatly. “I’mnot moving down into that dank little hole of yours, and it seems to me you don’t like it much, either.Andyou’re mine now, so it’s my job to keep a close eye on you, and take care of you.”

Hisvoice was clipped, decisive, though his eyes were searchingEben’snow, as if seeking some kind of argument — butEben’shead was nodding, his breath exhaling, as a warm, settled relief shimmered up his spine.Hedidn’t need to make a decision on this.Hedidn’t need to agonize over what to tell hisKa-esh kin about why he was leaving.Hecould just… obey.

Andhe could obey in this, too.InTryggrguiding him into the otherwise emptySkaibath — which was an admittedly impressive feat ofKa-esh engineering, with its frothy waterfall streaming out of the wall.AndonceTryggrhad stripped them both bare, tossing their clothes onto a nearby bench, he grippedEben’sarse, and guided him beneath the rush of ice-cold water.

“Therewe go, pet,”Tryggrmurmured, as he gently tugged outEben’salready-wet braid with his claws, and drew his hair back from his face. “Gonnaclean you up real good now, aren’t we?”

Ebencould only nod and shiver, tilting his head back into that sweet scrape ofTryggr’sclaws.Andthen into the warm, dizzying touch ofTryggr’sslippery, soapy hands, caressing all over his skin.Washinghis neck, his shoulders, his arms, his torso, his legs — and oh, even his helpless, straining cock.

“Gottaget this nice and clean, pet,”Tryggrsaid, waggling his eyebrows as he firmly stroked it up and down, staggeringEbenon his feet. “Polishit up real pretty, ach?”

Oh, fuck,Ebenwas already babbling, begging, arching up asTryggrreached his other soapy hand to grip his taut bollocks — and then he was shouting, shaking, as he sprayed out into the water in a sharp, steady stream.WhileTryggrjust kept stroking, petting, as a smug, wicked smile curled on his lips.