Page 28 of Tryggred By the Orc

Tryggr’sdeep inhale had shuddered into a laugh, low and gleeful, his breath tickling againstEben’sneck.Andthat was another light, gentle slap of his hand toEben’sarse, speaking of hunger, of approval.Saying, surely,Iscent you.Isee you.Ican show you the way.

“Ach, sureIcan,”TryggrtoldAlmaas he stood tall behindEbenagain, his hand now palming possessively atEben’sarse-cheek. “Bosshad you in here while we watched, didn’t he?Andit seems to me thisKa-esh likes it just as much as you did — and he even likes you watching, too.Don’tyou, my pretty pet?”

Anotherslap struck againstEben’sarse, shuddering him all over, and there was no thought, no hesitation, only nodding, agreeing, obeying. “Ach,” he croaked. “Sir.”

Thescent ofTryggr’striumph bloomed stronger through the air, and his laugh sounded breathless this time, his hand givingEben’sarse an approving little squeeze. “Thensee, woman, you ought not deny him this,” he said smugly. “Mostof all after he has shown you such kindness.”

Itwas unthinkable, impossible, even thatTryggrcould keep speaking like this, arguing like this, whileEbenwas helplessly panting and trembling beneath him, pinioned upon his cock.Butperhaps that was part of the triumph too, and part of whyTryggrso blatantly wantedAlmato see this.Wantingher to witness him staking his claim, on bothEbenand maybe even the whole damned room, just likeDraflihad done withAlma.Makingit clear exactly how this stood — and it was withEbenbent over a washing machine, withTryggr’sprick stuck halfway up his arse.

Ebencould tasteAlma’sresignation, and thankfully her amusement, too — and finally she dropped her hands from her eyes, and gaveTryggra wry, tolerant smile.Andyes, yes, that was whatTryggrhad wanted, and the scent of his triumph bubbled even higher as his firm hands caressedEben’sflanks, and that invading cock finally, finally resumed its slow, steady plunge inside him.

“Ach, that’s it,”Tryggr’slow voice breathed, as he leisurely pushed his way throughEben’stight dragging clutch. “That’snice, littleKa-esh, real nice.Goodand tight and sweet, ach?”

Oh,yes, andEbenwhimpered and shivered as that hot driving head bumped up against solid flesh — but with a moan, he purposefully shifted and softened, and opened that, too.WelcomingTryggrdeeper, as deep as he could go,you’re gonna suck me all the way inside you, show me what a good little pet you could be…

Tryggr’sbreath choked as he pressed further, carefully sinking himself even deeper within, into the double lock ofEben’sgrip.Untilhis hips ground up flush againstEben’sarse, because oh, he was in, he’d filledEbenwithSkai, opened him up as wide and deep as he could go.AndEbenwas squeezing as hard as he could, seizing and spasming against his lord, showing him what a good pet he would be, please…

“Justlike that,”Tryggrrasped, as his hips began gently grinding, circling, gouging himself even deeper. “Evenbetter thanIthought.Ach.”

Thepleasure and the frenzy were everywhere, everything, andEbencouldn’t stop his moans, his body arching up, pressing back, needing more — when something caught, gentle but firm, at his braid.Tryggr’shand, holding it, drawingEben’shead back, as he slowly, deliberately drew his cock out, away, breath by agonizing breath.Addingjust a perfect twinge of pain to the dizzying loss, remindingEbenwho was in control, in charge,you’ll get it,Ican show you the way…

Tryggrslammed back inside with one smooth, staggering stroke, driving throughEben’stight grip, seating himself hard and deep.Hurlingout more fierce, fizzing pleasure, with just that beautiful painful edge, andEbenwrithed and shouted beneath it, lost in it,please.

“Youlike that too, littleKa-esh?” cameTryggr’slow, hoarse voice behind him. “Youlike yourSkaibeing a bit rough with you?Makingsure you feel it?”

Fuck, yes, andEbenfrantically nodded, while a distant rational part of him shivered with warmth, with happiness.BecauseTryggrknewEbenliked it rough, of course he knew, but he was still — asking.Stillmaking sureEbenwanted that from him.ShowingEben, again, that he could be trusted, even when he was fucking his arse in a scullery.

AndTryggrwas pleased too, his chuckle low and approving as he ground himself deeper, and leisurely began wrappingEben’sbraid around his hand.Increasingthe tension, giving it an experimental tug, scenting for any pain or misery — but it was perfect, perfect.AndTryggrknew it, keeping that throbbing smarting sweetness as he slowly drew out again, holding it for a hanging, hovering breath…

“Evenbetter, littleKa-esh,” he said, dark and low, as he slammed back inside, even more forceful than before.MakingEbenshout and flail beneath it, his hair pulling againstTryggr’siron grip, his body clamping tight and desperate against the invasion of that wondrous, pulsingSkaicock.

“Ach, you’re so pretty, aren’t you?”Tryggrasked, as he drew out again, drove back in. “Sosweet, when you’re being railed by a goodSkaiprick?”

Yes, please,Tryggrwas railingEbennow, ramming in again and again, yanking his head back harder, as his other hand’s sharp claws dragged againstEben’ship.AndEbenwas lost, consumed, in the furious frenzied euphoria of it, in all his hunger and longing and fantasy made truth by this orc, this perfect orc, his friend, his trust, his home.

“Sosweet,”Tryggrgasped again, his voice catching, his hips plunging harder, wrenching the pleasure hotter and wilder between them. “Andyou’re gonna smell even sweeter when you’re chock-full ofSkaiseed, aren’t you?Whenyou’re walking around here reeking ofme?”

Fuck, yes, yes, yes,Tryggr’sbollocks tightening againstEben’screase, his cock swelling, straining, locking in place — and then he groaned, guttural and deep, as he sprayed out deep inside.PouringEbenfull of that hotSkaiseed, flooding him from the bottom up, as those sharp claws dug into his hip, yanking at his hair —

Itwas so much, so much, so perfect, everything — and without even a touch,Eben’sown cock shuddered, and then sprayed out, too.Releasingits pent-up longing again and again, spurting out in thick, heavy-scented strings.Catchingall overGareth’snew washing machine beneath him, painting it with his pleasure, while the ecstasy screamed and screamed through his body, his head, his heart.

Bythe end of it,Ebenwas shuddering almost too much to stand, his entire body tingling and shivering with the aftershocks, butTryggrwas still here, holding him upright.Bothhis hands now gripping firmly atEben’ships, while his still-hard cock held safe and deep inside, and the taste of his own pleasure and relief kept whirling, flooding heavy and reassuring through the air.Saying, without a doubt, that he’d liked it, too.Ebenhad pleased him.Hehad.

ButthenTryggrcleared his throat, his hand palming possessive and a little rough atEben’squivering arse. “Lookat you, pretty pet,” he murmured. “Messingall over your brand-new gift.You’regonna lick that clean for me now, aren’t you?”

Oh, fuck.Eben’sbody spasmed atTryggr’scock still inside him, and he was already nodding, his face burning, as he ducked his head, and obeyed.Lickingat the too-strong taste of his own seed, sprayed all overGareth’sbrand-new forging.Andthat was unquestionably another statement too, another very purposeful point made onTryggr’spart, puttingGarethin his place — and maybe puttingEbenin his place, too.Showinghim that this was how it would be, withTryggrfucking him, commanding him, and covering over any claimGarethmight have had upon him.

AndwithTryggr… approving of him.Caressinghim, stroking him without claws, now, as a low, hungry moan hissed from his throat.

“That’sgood, pretty pet,” he breathed, low and hot. “Realgood.Nowtell me, sweet thing” — he leaned forward, his lips gently brushing to the back ofEben’sneck — “what’s your name?”

Wait, what?Ebenstartled, breathless, and he only vaguely heardAlma’sfaint, disbelieving laugh as she finally headed for the door, closing it tightly behind her.WhileTryggr’ssweaty body shivered againstEben, and a low, regretful chuckle huffed against his skin.

“Neverthought to ask you, pet,”Tryggrcontinued, sounding suddenly almost — shy. “An’ you never said, and by the timeIrealized,Ididn’t want to risk asking any of the others, either.Didn’twant ’em to catch how attachedIwas getting to you,Iken.”

Oh.Tryggrhad done all that, all this, fuckedEbenin a scullery, when he hadn’t even known hisname— but he was also softly kissing atEben’sneck, his hunger and regret shimmering through the air.Didn’twant ’em to catch how attachedIwas getting to you…

“It’s—Eben,” he replied, in a rush, over his shaky breath. “Eben, ofClanKa-esh.”