Page 27 of Tryggred By the Orc

“Ach,I—Iken,”Ebenfinally stammered, into the taut, waiting silence. “Shehas gained the most fearsomeSkaiin our mountain as her lord.Throughnot her beauty or her strength, but through” — he drew in a shaky breath — “her hard work.Herkindness.”

Andmaybe it had still been foolish, or insulting, or betraying too much — butEbentrustedTryggr, he did.Theywere still — friends.Andthat wasn’t confusion or mockery flashing throughTryggr’seyes, lighting up his scent.No, no, it was…

Shock.Relief.Longing.Anda slow, stunning smile, curling dark and delighted on his lips.

Asmile that said,Isee.Isee you.Ican show you the way.

“Isthat so, prettyKa-esh?”Tryggrsaid, his voice far lower, huskier, as the dizzying scent of his hunger blazed raw andreckless through the air. “Youlike the idea of catching a hungrySkai’seye, do you?”

Oh.Oh.Eben’sbreath escaped in a noiseless little whimper, his eyes wide and arrested onTryggr’sface.Andhe could taste his own yearning, tangled up with that same envy and greed, as his prick swelled to instant hardness in his trousers.AsightTryggrcertainly hadn’t missed, his bright eyes darting downward, as his scent burned with gleeful satisfaction.With…triumph.

Ebenonly vaguely noticedDuffandGegnirleaving the room, becauseTryggrhad already begun to prowl closer toward him, his steps slow and silent on the stone floor, his claws jutting sharp from his fingers. “Thenwhy don’t you bend over, littleKa-esh, and show us this again,” he said, kicking his boot at the washbasin. “Giveus a better look this time, ach?”

Oh, hell.Hedidn’t mean it, he didn’t, he couldn’t — but the command was ringing in his eyes, in his heated hungry scent.Isee you.Ican show you the way.


Eben’sbody shuddered all over, the hope and hunger and longing choking raw and riotous into his scent.Tryggrcouldn’t truly want this, this couldn’t be happening — butTryggrwas still here, watching him, waiting for his answer.AndEbentrustedTryggr, he trusted thisSkai,Ican show you the way…

Sowith a gulp and a shiver,Ebenturned around, and obeyed.


Inall his years visiting thedýflissa,Ebenhad never felt so bared, so exposed, as in this moment.Standingbent double and shivering over a washbasin in a scullery, with his still-clothed arse jutting up for anyone to see.ForTryggrto see.

Therewas a moment’s choked stillness asEbenkept standing there, waiting, quivering, please — but then, oh,Tryggr’shands.Tryggr’swarm, capable hands, touchingEben, smoothing against his trembling hips.Andoh, oh, with a flick of his fingers, the drawstring onEben’strousers loosened, sagging the waistband downward — and nowTryggrwas drawing the trousers down too, baringEbeneven further, right here in the damned scullery.

Itwas against the rules,Eben’sdistant thoughts shouted, andAlmawas still standing there watching it, scenting of stunned disbelief — but oh,Ebenhad never known such violent, desperate need, crashing through him, clawing him from the inside out.Tryggrwas touching him.Tryggrwas undressing him.Tryggrwanted to see what was his.Tryggrwanted…him.

“Ach, just like that,”Tryggr’slow voice purred from behindEben, his scent hot, sweet, approving, asEben’strousersdropped around his ankles. “Youareeager to please, aren’t you?”

Eben’sface was burning, his bare upraised arse trembling in the cool open air — but he somehow nodded, yes, of course he was,yes.AndTryggrrewarded it with a leisurely stroke of his warm hand, sliding over the curve ofEben’sarse.Thetouch soft, gentle, but for the sharp, succulent scrape of his claws, dragging againstEben’sbare, tingling skin.

“Ach, just asIthought,”Tryggrcontinued, his voice even lower. “Sopretty,Ka-esh.Betyou’re nice and tight too, ach?”

Oh, yes, yes,Ebencould be, he would be, please, andTryggr’shungry hand was already slipping closer, sliding slow and deliberate intoEben’screase.Andthis wasn’t happening, it couldn’t be happening… but yes,Ebencould feel a single finger deftly seeking, settling against his quivering rim — and then —

Pressing.Proddinggentle but firm, pushing intoEben’sbody with brazen, proprietary ease.AsifTryggrhad every right to finger him like this, to feel him like this, right here in the scullery, whileAlmawatched — and he did have every right, hedid, and it was allEbencould do to stay upright, to remember how to breathe.

“Youever take aSkaiin here before,Ka-esh?”Tryggrmurmured, dark and hot, as his finger kept prodding, searching, sinking all the way to the knuckle. “Everhave a strongSkaiploughing, and get pumped full of goodSkaiseed?”

Fuck.Eben’smoan choked from his mouth, his invaded body frantically pulsing around that impossible finger, and he couldn’t stop his back from arching, his bared, opened arse pushing back harder, deeper.Needingmore, more, desperate and shameful, and behind him,Tryggrgave a low, husky laugh, and — oh,hell— a gentle slap of his other hand atEben’sarse-cheek.

“Ach, ach, you’ll get it,”Tryggrdrawled, and oh,Ebencould feel him shifting, could hear the sound of rustling fabric.Asif — as ifTryggrwas dropping his trousers.Asif he was truly going to fuckEben, to plough him full of goodSkaiseed, here, now, please, please…

“You’regonna suck me all the way inside you, aren’t you, prettyKa-esh?”Tryggrcontinued, as that finger slowly slid out ofEben, making him whimper with displeasure as it slipped free — but oh, now that was the sweet, stunning scent ofTryggr’sfresh seed, the slick sound of a swift pumping hand. “Showme what a good little pet you could be?”

Oh.Oh, oh, please,Eben’sbrain was distantly dancing and screeching, his heart lurching into his throat, his body trembling so hard he nearly lost his footing.Buthe was nodding, nodding, arching up, opening as wide as he could.Waiting, showingTryggr, he could be such a good pet, please…

Andthen — a touch.Atouch, slick and blunt and warm, pressing againstEben’stwitching, waiting arse.ItwasTryggr,Tryggr’sprick was touching him,Tryggr’sprick wanted to fuck him — andEbeninstantly bore down, opened wider.Relaxingenough to let that thick, solid flesh push into him, breach into him, stretching him out around it…

Andonce it was fully in, its head eased just past the muscle,Ebenclamped it tight.Squeezingas hard as he could, giving them both that sweet drag and friction, and he could feelTryggr’sprick instantly vibrating fuller, his hands spasming againstEben’ships.Whilehe just kept sinking deeper, and deeper, perhaps halfway inside now,Tryggrwas insideEben, he was fucking him in the scullery, fucking him in front of the woman he’d thoughtEbenhad really wanted.

Andwait, perhaps there was something in that, some kind of test onTryggr’spart, or even more of that triumph — and curse him, butEbencouldn’t help a brief, darting glance up towardAlma.Towardwhere she was already staring straight back at him, her face red, her scent reeking of shock and incredulity, and —Ebenblinked — just a twitch of envy, too.

“Tryggr!”Almahissed, as she shook her head, and clapped her shaky hands over her eyes. “Youcan’t just go ahead and —”

ButTryggrhad surely caught that scent on her too, and oh,Ebencould feelTryggr’supper body bending forward, shifting his cock a little deeper, so he could inhale atEben’sneck.SeekingEben’sown jealousy or envy, perhaps — but there was only the wheeling charging hunger, and perhaps a shudder of his own triumph, too.Tryggrwas fucking him.Him.Andof courseEbenhadn’t wantedAlma, he wanted this, only this, and ifAlmahad thought otherwise, well, then she could watch and learn the truth for herself.Shecould watchEbentake aSkai’sgorgeous prick, see how pretty he was, see what a good pet he could be…