Louisawas losing her mind.

Therewas no other explanation, a distant part of her shouted, as she stood there staring at thisUlfarrorc, breathing hard, clasping her hand tighter against his.Shewas almost forty years old, and she was supposed to be reasonable.Rational.Shemost certainly was not supposed to be fighting the urge to gawk at an orc’s trousers, or perhaps even to reach out and…

No, no, hell no, andLouisapainfully bit the inside of her cheek, and clamped her free hand to a fist.Whichhad the unfortunate effect of reflexively clamping her other hand tighter against the orc’s, and oh, he was still holding it, he was still looking at her, too.

Andwait, wait, now he was raising her hand, and bringing it to — hismouth.Hewas kissingLouisa’shand, oh sweet gods, his lips hot and soft and astonishingly gentle against her skin.Andwas that his tongue, slipping out between his warm lips, licking her,lickingher —

Louisa’sgasp was far too loud, too clear, too betraying.Earningher a brief, upwards glance from beneath the orc’s thick black lashes, and good gods, now his kiss was… deepening.Hardening.Evensucking a little, as if to leave a mark, before trailing sideways.Hiswarm hand slowly turning her own hand over as he went, until he was kissing at the hollow of her palm, and her trembling fingers were brushing up against the harsh stubble of his chin…

Andhad anyone ever kissed her like this before?Hadanything ever felt so vivid, so intimate, so… powerful?Maybeonly last night, when his huge stone cock had plunged in and out of her whileKillikhad watched — andLouisacouldn’t bite back another gasp, even as she darted a brief, betraying look towardKillik.Towardwhere yes, he was watching this, too, his mouth pressed thin, as a strange, bitter satisfaction flared in his narrowed eyes.

“Ach, enough,”Killiksnapped, as he caughtUlfarr’sarm, and yanked it away.KnockingLouisa’shand away in the process, and she clutched it back against her torso, her palm still tingling with the strange, surreal truth of that kiss.Andher eyes were still frozen on thisUlfarr’sface, on where he was gazing back at her, holding her eyes for an instant too long, before angling a searching glance towardKillikbeside him.

“Ach, so now that you have remembered the rest of us,”Killikdrawled, as he flipped his dagger out of his hair and waved it between them, “this is ourSkaibrotherHalthorr.Andthis isLouisa, the lady of these lands, and her kin-sister,Gladys.”

Louisablinked at that odd wordkin-sister, but her sluggish brain was somehow working again, thinking again.Andshe belatedly attempted a polite smile toward thisHalthorrorc, who smiled and nodded back. “Wethank you for sharing these lands with us,LadyLouisa,” he said, with a low, flourishing bow toward her. “Andyou also,LadyGladys.”

Gladyslooked both startled and deeply gratified by this, and she gave an imperious little nod towardHalthorrin return. “Well, it’s certainly notmydoing,” she said primly. “Andyou’re not to come near the house, you understand.”

ThisHalthorrsolemnly nodded and bowed again, to which — wait, wasGladysblushing?!Butyes, yes, she was, and without at all meaning to,Louisashot an amused, appreciative glance towardKillik.Whowas already looking back toward her, and giving a brief but telling roll of his eyes.

Itwas enough thatLouisaalmost,almostsmiled — at least, untilKillik’smouth clamped into a thin line, and his gaze flicked towardUlfarr.Andwait,Ulfarrwas now glancing betweenKillikandLouisa, his eyes darkening with something like… suspicion.Ormaybe — maybe evenjealousy?

Louisatwitched and grimaced, and drew in a shallow breath.Ulfarrcouldn’t possibly think something was going on between her andKillik, right?Surelyhe wouldn’t, especially whenKillikclearly wanted no such thing from her…

“Er, couldIoffer you anything, perhaps?”Louisasaid into the stilted silence — and too late, she heard the too-suggestive implication in that question. “Imean, something to eat or drink, maybe?Orsome fresh towels?”

Shetried for another smile, angling a traitorous glance down towardUlfarr’smuddy trousers, which had — oh.Lessened.Flattened.Thattoo-visible ridge almost entirely vanished.Andwhy wasLouisa’sbelly twisting at the sight, the heat draining from her face, what was happening to her, why wasn’t he answering her, and —

“No, there is naught we need,” cameKillik’sclipped reply. “Weshall return to work at once, and send word when we are done.”

Right.Theredidn’t seem to be an answer to that, andHalthorrwas already nodding and turning toward the well again, swinging his lean body onto the rope.WhileUlfarrhesitated for another instant, his unreadable eyes holdingLouisa’s— but then he lurched away too, reaching for the rope, and then sliding back down into the well with surprising ease.

ItleftLouisastanding there withGladysandKillik, who, despite his previous announcement about returning to work, showed no inclination whatsoever to enter the well himself.Instead, he eyedLouisawith his lips pursed, before jerking his head toward the nearby copse of trees.

“Wishto speak to you, woman,” he said flatly. “Alone.”

Alone.Louisablinked, first atKillik, and then sideways, to whereGladyswas looking predictably shocked by this request.ButbeforeGladyscould give voice to her outrage — which she was clearly winding up to do at once —Louisacleared her throat, and pasted on another smile. “Yes, of course,” she replied. “Ifyou’ll excuse me a moment,Gladys,I’llbe back shortly.Andplease don’t worry, he’s perfectly safe.”

Gladysdidn’t look slightly convinced by this blatant lie, and no wonder — butLouisa’spatience was already far too frayed for one morning, and she spun toward the trees, without waiting forKillikto follow.Buthe was beside her in an instant, his steps falling together with hers, his shoulders square and stiff.

“Wolfpleased you, ach, woman?” he asked curtly, once they were a fair distance into the trees. “Youshall welcome him into your bed, whenIbring him tonight?”

Louisa’ssteps faltered, enough that she nearly tripped over a root, whileKillikshot her a disdainful glance, and drew to a halt. “Ach?” he demanded, with an impatient spin of the dagger still in his hand. “Orhave you nowchanged your mindagain?”

Gods, he was so infuriating, andLouisaglared back toward him, and folded her arms over her chest. “Ihaven’t changed my mind,” she snapped. “Hewas…”

Killik’sbrows rose, waiting, andLouisalet out a slow breath, squeezing her eyes shut. “Iliked him,” she made herself say. “Youwere right.He’s… handsome.Pleasing.”

Herface was burning, now, but she’d said it, she’d gotten it over with, givenKillikhis damned victory.Butwhen she opened her eyes again, he didn’t look victorious, or even smug.Hejust looked… grim.Resigned.

“Ach,” he said, voice flat. “Ishall bring him this eve, then.Afternightfall.Andyou shall honour our terms, ach?Youshall not ask upon his past, or his sins, or his griefs.Youshall seek to show him kindness, andpeace.”

Louisadidn’t at all recall that being part of it, but she swallowed and nodded — to whichKillikjust kept frowning, spinning that dagger in his hand. “And,” he added, “whenIbring him to you this eve, you shall seek to court him, and woo him.To… persuade him, to this.”

Wait.Waitwait wait.Killikwanted her to…wooUlfarr?Topersuade him to do this?Asif —

“Whatthe hell do you mean,Ineed to persuade him?”Louisademanded, her voice sharp. “Haven’tyou already discussed this with him yourself?Andworked out the terms between you?”