“Wishto stop already?” he asked, a chilly taunt in his throat. “Wishtochange your mindagain?”
Thisprick.Thissmug infuriating bastard, and he even stepped back a little, and gave a condescending flick of his dagger toward the door.Asif he was ordering her to leave her own room, damn him, andLouisawas not letting him win this, she wasnot.
Sowith a jerky, shaky movement, she yanked up her skirts.Draggingthem up to her hips, and revealing everything —everything— beneath them.Hershabby stockings, her muscled calves, her shaky thighs.Andat the apex of her thighs, her bare exposed groin, with its thick thatch of dark hair.HairthatLouisaknew now betrayed traces of silver, too, and she fought back the urge to shove her skirts down again, to hide herself fromKillik’swatching, judging eyes…
Becauseyes, he was watching.Judging.Hiscool eyes sweeping up, and down, and up again.Assessing, lingering, whileLouisabraced herself, her cheeks burning hot, her legs still trembling.Whatwould he say, what was he thinking, would he walk away…
“Showme,” came his voice, low and insistent, andLouisashivered all over at the sight and the feel of his dagger, tapping gently at her quivering knees, at where they were still clamped together. “Andbreathe.”
Breathe.Showhim.Breathe.AndLouisagulped down air, gripped at the stone still in her hand — and in a jolting movement, she shoved it downwards.Downto… there.Partingher legs just enough to accommodate the stone’s too-large width, its cool weight slipping between her thighs.
“Isaid, show me,”Killikrepeated, and oh, his hard steel was now nudging against the inside of her knee, guiding it sideways, apart.AndLouisadidn’t resist, oh hell, as her leg sprawled open — and thenKillikdid the same to the other knee, too.Openingher up wide and brazen for him, letting him see exactly what he wanted to see…
Andperhaps — perhaps he did want to see it.Perhapshe wanted to see that cool stone nudging there, againstLouisa’sshamefully splayed heat.Becausehis eyes looked almost greedy on it now, triumphant, as a small, satisfied smile curled at his mouth.
“Youtruly ken you shall handle this, woman?” he asked, light and mocking. “Youken you are strong enough to swallow my wolf’s prick inside you?”
Louisashot him a dark, baleful look, but he only smiled wider, his gaze flicking up to her face. “Orshall he be too much for you?” he drawled. “Shallyou tremble and cower beneath his great strength?”
Louisakept glaring at him, the taunting enraging cretin, but somehow that made it — easier.Easierfor her tingling fingers to guide the stone a little closer, settling it deeper against her exposed open heat.Againstwhere she already felt astonishingly slippery, swollen, maybe even eager…
Andoh,Killikcould surely see that too.Couldsee howLouisa’sbody kept spasming against the stone’s rounded head, flexing and softening, as if again learning it, gauging it.Lettingit meet her, find her, part her around it…
Shegasped as it delved closer, finding its place, staking its claim — and then, oh gods, it began pressing.Pushing.Seeking.Harderand more insistent than the night before, and maybe that was because ofKillik, still standing there, watching this with glinting, unblinking eyes.Watchingas the stone’s full girth slipped inside, stretchingLouisatightly around it, as she gasped and arched and shivered, pressed it a little deeper…
Shehad to hold it there for too many breaths, just fighting to accept it, to relax around it.Neededto sink into the sensation of it, just to feel it, like she had the night before.Tryto forget aboutKillik’sunblinking eyes, his mockery, his hand’s strangely slack grip on his dagger.
“Ach, mayhap this shall fit, after all,” came his smooth voice, as his gaze again flicked toLouisa’sface. “Howdoes my wolf feel, woman?”
Somethingdark and shameful heated inLouisa’sbelly, clasping her tighter against the stone.Andamidst the dizzying smarting sensation of it, the sparkling wildness in her groin, she couldn’t find a way to refuse the question, let alone speak false to it —
“It’s— a lot,” she gasped, as the stone’s strength nudged a little deeper, opening her, occupying her, stretching her even tighter around it. “It’s— so much.”
Killik’seyes shifted as he glanced down again, to where the stone was now buried over halfway inside her.Andgods, what must it look like, what did he see, her most shameful secret parts pulled taut and strained around this huge implacable invasion.Aninvasion that was plunging still deeper, because it was so strong, so good…
“Butnot too much, mayhap?” cameKillik’slow, rasping voice, and again the sheer sweeping sensation was swallowing everything, too strong to follow his intent, to question that look in his eyes. “Iken it pleases you thus, to be pierced so tight and full upon it?”
Louisacouldn’t hide her nod, her choked moan, her surging swirling shame.Butwait, what had she just betrayed, what had she just given him, and why was it flashing like that in his eyes, parting his lips, escaping his mouth in a slow, hitching exhale.Andwhy was he flipping the dagger in his hand, gripping his fingers against the gleaming steel blade…
“More, then,” he said, husky, as he eased closer to the bed, his eyes intent on the stone spreading her apart. “Deeper.Now.”
Oh, hell.Louisafervently nodded, gulped for air — and it almost felt like his touch, rather than her own tingling fingers, pressing the stone deeper inside.Pushingit harder, now, driving it against her body’s resistance, battering through the stretch, the strain, the sweet shimmering agony.WhileKillikjust stood there and watched, and maybe — maybe even approved…
Shecried out as she gave one last desperate push, as deep as she could bear.Somuch further than the night before, so much bigger, jamming her thoroughly, utterly full.Packedand stretched to the brim, tighter than she’d ever felt in her life, her entire body arching and heaving and shuddering, trapped and impaled and pinioned for an orc’s watching eyes.
Shecould scarcely focus onKillik’sface, now, through her wildly fluttering lashes, but she didn’t miss that flick of his tongue to his lips, or — or wait, the distinctive swell in his trousers.Aswell that was even streaking a visible spot of wetness against the grey fabric, and oh, he didn’t like this, he didn’t want this, did he?
“Thisis as much of my wolf as you can swallow?” he asked, clipped, almost clinical. “Nomore?”
Louisamade a brief attempt, wincing as the stone shoved painfully against solid flesh, and shook her head.Andthen bit her lip, fighting to focus onKillik’sface, because there was still plenty of stone left, at least several fingers’ width, and would he be disappointed, disapproving, would this somehow ruin everything…
“Ach,Ishall accept this, for now,” came his murmur, hoarser than before, as his hand surreptitiously adjusted his straining trousers. “Butyou ken a worthySkaiwoman does not just swallow a prick and sit pretty upon it, ach?Shemust welcome its rutting.Itsgood strong ploughing.”
Ohgods, he didn’t want that, but he did, hedid, his intent eyes watching, waiting.Andglittering with satisfaction, with hunger, withvictory, asLouisajerked a shaky nod, and her trembling fingers slowly drew the stone out, breath by breath.Theloss of it almost as agonizing as the filling of it, oh, and she moaned again, or perhaps whimpered, as her stretched tender body finally pushed the invading hardness free, leaving her lax and empty in its wake.
ButKillikwas still waiting, wanting, andLouisawanted it too, so much it ached.Somuch that it felt easier to guide the stone back inside this time, to feel it sliding into her slick, swollen, spasming sheath.Fillingher again, bracing her again, opening her taut and wide and whole again —
Shemoaned as it reached its limit, maybe even a little further this time, oh — butKillik’sdagger was now making an impatient little circle, its silent intent all too clear. “More,” he hissed. “Faster.Showme my wolf’s perfect prick ploughing you.”