
Stephan remained motionless in his father’s office before he heard the door open.

“How do you always manage to drive your brother away the moment you see him?” Calvin asked jokingly, and Vivienne stood at the door in complete anger, opposite of what her husband was feeling.

“Stephan! He tried! He came to see you after he said he wouldn’t, and you’ve disappointed me. He’s your little brother.”

“Half,” Stephan remarked, and his mother scoffed.

“Unbelievable.” She seethed as she stormed out of the room, causing Calvin to shake his head.

“You even drove your mother away. It’s a winning streak, my boy.” He chuckled, and Stephan didn’t say anything. He pondered for a minute before getting up and leaving the room as well.

Calvin sighed as he looked at his computer. “Well then.” A few moments later, he heard a knock at the door. “Come in.”

Pierce walked into the room and spoke. “Mr. Crawford is here for his afternoon meeting.”

Calvin nodded, and Andrew, his associate, walked into the room.

“Andrew, always good to see you,” Calvin greeted, causing Andrew to chuckle in response.

“Though it’s only been a few days, I couldn’t agree more.” He took the seat across from Calvin, and Pierce left to bring some refreshments.

“I hear your son is already creating a bit of a stir in the academy,” Calvin said, recalling being told the events that occurred only on the first day.

Andrew responded, “I guess you could say that. The boy has nothing better to do, so this can keep him occupied.”

Calvin nodded and continued on a different subject. “Russel is going to the auction for charity, so you know Porter and Masahiko will be there. Can’t have Killian in one place without Blaine following him like a puppy and dragging Shin along with him.”

“You seem to be getting a lot of information on the Russels... Would you mind sharing where you get your resources?”

Calvin chuckled. “Someone in their family owes me a favor, a large one at that. Does the name Eugene Newman ring a bell?”

“Brielle’s brother? How the hell did you get him to help you?”

“I know a few things that his sister may not want to hear after he went AWOL. Instead of telling her what they are, he’s been under my control for the last fifteen years or so. He’s batshit crazy, and other than the fact that he’s threatened to kill me in the past, he knows he owes me his life.”

“You don’t think Killian is going to catch on?”

“It’s been fifteen years. If he was going to catch on he would’ve done so by now. Even if he does, it’ll be too late. I will have already won… Sometimes, you have to lose in order to win; that’s the rule of the game.”

“Forgive me, but from an outside perspective, it looks like you’re losing quite frequently. Is this all still a part of the ‘game’?”

“It very much is. My plan has already been set into motion and is working like a charm, but...” Calvin paused.

“But what?”

“There will be a few... setbacks.”

“You wouldn’t happen to know what they are already, would you?” Andrew asked, causing Calvin to think.

“I already know two: your son, andDelilah’s birth parents.”

“My son?” Andrew asked curiously, and Calvin nodded.

“He’s after Delilah. Anything Archer has, he wants. That’s already been established. Even though this could be good for Archer to have a bit of competition, we can’t have your boy getting too close.”

“And what about Delilah’s parents?”