Page 165 of Delilah In Discretion

“Luca, you seem to be involved in everyone’s business but your own. When do you think you’ll keep to yourself for once, hmm?” Sterling asked, causing Luca to glare at him.

“If I were you, Little Red, I’d watch what I say.”

“And if I were you, I’d take a hike... maybe jump off a bridge, too,” Sterling suggested. I nodded, as the idea seemed reasonable.

Luca chuckled and locked eyes with Delilah for a moment, giving her a glance from head to toe.

“My, my... you look absolutely delicious today, doll,” he said, smiling.

I stood up slowly in an attempt to control my growing anger.

“Walk away, Crawford,” I advised.

He tilted his head. “Oh yes, that’s right. You two are still in a relationship. Well, not for long,” he muttered, shrugging.

“Luca, you won’t say anything; you can’t say anything... your silence for mine. That was the deal.”

Luca nodded, but sucked in a breath. “I understand… and I thought about it, I really did. Then it came to me. You havenothingthat points to me involving Michael in your lives. It’s just the word of a child who heard more than she needed to. So overall,nothing. You should’ve learned from your father, Archer... you should never get too involved in dirty business. Otherwise, it comes back to you. Meanwhile, I have everything that points to the two of you being in a relationship. Papa Bear needs to learn the truth... then who knows? Maybe then I’ll take my chance and finally get a date with the one and only Delilah myself.”

I couldn’t reply. It felt like we were stuck and simply waiting for Luca to make his move and ruin everything.

He looked at his watch, then back to us.

“Well, it seems as though I have to get going... I do hope we can meet more often together like this. It’s rather enjoyable,” he said, and he walked away.

I felt compelled to turn around and embrace Delilah; however, Killian and the others were starting to migrate outside. I simply glanced back at her for a short moment to see her with the same look in her eyes before reluctantly tearing my eyes away from her and making my way inside.

I had mixed feelings about this entire situation regarding Killian finding out, Luca’s plans, and our relationship overall. On one hand, I wanted to rip it off like a Bandaid; on the other, I knew if I did, we’d be in a bigger shithole than we already were digging ourselves into.

Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket, I opened it, and a smile immediately made its way to my face.

Princess: I hope we’re still on for our date.

You know we are, Princess… you can’t get away from me that easily.


“So, how long are you going to be in there?”Juliet asked over the phone, and I sighed heavily as I stared at the grey, dull, lifeless walls of the jail holding cell through the bars. I could hear Melanie’s voice in the background as she giggled and played with her toys.

“Just a little while...” I muttered as Killian had already made bail. However, to make it seem like these officers were doing their jobs, they weren’t letting us out until the following day.

“We miss you. You haven’t been home for some time, you know.”

Running my hand down my face, feeling stressed, I groaned internally. Knowing I’d been rather busy with Michael and the others crushed my heart.

“I know, my love. I’ll be home soon. Tell Melanie I said hi. I love you,” I said.

She responded softly,“I love you, too.”

I ended the call and rolled my eyes as I looked over to Calvin, who was swinging his feet from the top bunk. “When am I going to be done with you?” I muttered, more to myself.

Calvin shrugged. “When Delilah and Archer get married. I’d say around that time.”

“Still on that, I see? I’ve got to hand it to you, though. Your plan was absolutely brilliant.”

Calvin nodded, got off the bunk, and leaned against the wall.

“I know. It’s going just as planned. The only problem is we’re in here. You need to find out who gave this anonymous tip that alerted the police.”