Page 84 of The Liar

“Holy shit.” This couldn’t be a coincidence. The Sewells had to be involved. Another possibility struck me. “Sewell might have been the one going through Portia’s apartment. That could be how he arrived on the scene without being called. If he was inside and we scared him off, he could have returned pretending to be on official police business.”

West hummed thoughtfully. “That would also give him a valid excuse if any of his fingerprints or DNA were to turn up at the scene.”

I straightened. “I need to get eyes on him.”

At the moment, Sewell was the most senior officer present at the crime scene. That didn’t sit right with me if he was also a suspect. I still had a difficult time getting my head around the idea he could be involved. He was just so innocuous.

“Wait for me,” West said. “You need backup in case he realizes we’re onto him. Stay on the line and meet me in the fourth floor stairwell.”

A slam came through the line and then muffled noises as West crossed the parking lot.

“Perhaps he’s being blackmailed,” I said as I made my way back to the stairs and started to climb. “If his brother is in trouble, he might just be trying to help him.”

“Hmm.” A door shut and his footsteps sounded against a hard surface. “We can untangle his motives once we’ve confirmed his involvement and have him in custody. Until then, they don’t matter. We have to consider him a potential threat. I’m not risking your safety just because you want to think the best of him.”

“Fair enough.” I reached the fourth floor, and listened through the phone as West drew closer.

When he was in sight, he ended the call. “Are you ready for this?”

I grabbed the handle of my gun, feeling its weight against my palm. “As much as I’ll ever be.”

We needed answers. Portia’s life was on the line. West jerked his head toward the stairwell door, gesturing for me to go first. I cracked it open and peered out. The only person visible in the corridor was the uniformed officer, so I shoved the door farther open and stepped through. West followed close behind.

I strode to the apartment and the officer moved aside with a respectful nod. I pushed the door gently, and it opened with no resistance. A crime scene technician wascrouched in the living room, in front of the sofa. The window was ajar, so presumably the other technician was still outside.

There was no sign of Sewell.

“Where’s Detective Sewell?” I asked, my gun at my side, my nerves primed, ready to fight at any moment.

The tech looked up. “He was called away.”

Considering he wasn’t on duty, that seemed unlikely. Unless it was a personal matter.

“Where to?”

She shrugged. “He didn’t say.”

Fuck. “Did he mention who called?”

“No.” She didn’t seem concerned by this, but then, why would she be? As far as she knew, Sewell was a respected detective and a legitimate part of this investigation.

“He’s definitely not here?” West asked, scanning the area warily.

The technician huffed. “You guys have got to work on your communication. No. He’s not here. He left maybe five minutes after Detective Lee went to speak to the guy who lives downstairs.”

“Thanks.” I forced myself not to let my frustration show. “Did he say anything before he went?”

She cocked her head, quiet for a few seconds. “No. I don’t think so. Is everything okay?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted, turning to West. “We need to know where he is. I should call Dominguez and update her too.”

“I agree with you about finding his location.” He spoke quietly, his gaze darting to the technician, who seemed to have returned to work but could very well be listening in. “We should hold off on informing the police though. We still don’t know who’s involved.”

I gritted my teeth. “Dominguez is a good cop. I’d stakemy career on it.” She’d had to fight a biased system to get to where she was. There was no way she’d roll over and play dead for a mob boss wannabe.

West’s expression became imploring. “All I ask is that you wait for a couple of hours. See if we can track him down first.”

“Fine.” I didn’t like this.