He hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “You’re right.We did. But I didn’t know at the time that I’d fall in love with you.”
I scoffed. “As if I believe that.”
“It’s true.” He stalked toward me, and I backed up until I was pressed against the wall. “You were supposed to be a job. And yeah, perhaps it’s crappy to use someone that way, but it’s literally what I was trained to do. From the instant I met you, I knew you’d be different.”
“I’m no one’s exception.” I whispered the words, scarcely daring to breathe in case my chest brushed against his.
His nostrils flared. “You’re mine. I love you, Joanna. Whether my name is Westley Gallo or Weston Conti—I love you.”
I ached to believe him. I wanted to so badly. But I’d already been fooled once. I couldn’t allow it to happen again. He didn’t love me, he just didn’t want me to mess with his assignment. Perhaps he thought that if he seduced me, I’d go along with him.
I ducked around him and backed into the hall. “I don’t believe you. I want you to pack your bags and leave my apartment.”
I needed him gone, for my own peace of mind. Presumably, Weston Conti had his own home somewhere. He didn’t have to share mine. In fact, the sooner he got the hell out of here, the better.
Jo,” he growled, a warning in his voice. “If you force me to leave, you’ll be jeopardizing a long-term investigation into one of the worst crime families in Chicago. Do you really want to do that?”
I stared at West, a stranger wearing my husband’s skin. How dare he have the audacity to use me, hurt me, and then dump the responsibility for the success of his undercover operation on my shoulders?
Yes, Ortez was bad news and I wanted him dealt with, but why did that have to come at the price of my peace of mind?
West gazed back at me with flinty eyes. His expression never wavered. This, then, was who he truly was. He’d never been the charming, sweet man I met in Canada. The one who liked mountain biking, cooking, and brain teasers. The real West was sharp, hard, and distant. Did I even know him at all?
My throat tightened, but once again, I managed not to cry.
“That sounds like blackmail,” I choked out.
“Not blackmail,” he countered, something flickering through his eyes that could be guilt. “Just the truth.”
I straightened my shoulders. “If you want to talk about ‘truth,’ why don’t we start with the fact that I’m a detectiveand you must have known there was a chance I’d catch on to you? I’m sure you have a contingency plan that doesn’t rely on me keeping your secret. You’d be a fool not to.”
Liar or not, I didn’t think West was a fool.
“Any change of plan at this point would waste time and resources.” He shifted his weight and his muscles rippled. I forced myself not to react. “I know you. You value justice. Are you willing to take the chance that over a dozen dirty cops could go free just because your ego is bruised?”
There was a very real possibility I was going to throw up. He knew exactly what buttons to push. “You manipulative asshole. This isn’t on me. Don’t you dare try to blame me for finally waking up and doing what I need to protect myself.”
He flinched. It was barely perceptible, but I was completely focused on him, so I noticed.
“You’re a good person.” His tone suggested he was being reasonable. “Your goodness is one of the things I love most about you.”
“Stop saying you love me!” I spat. “It isn’t fair.”
“I know.” He didn’t look sorry for it. “Sometimes, life isn’t fair. We both know that. Right now, you’re angry, but when your head is clear, you’ll be upset with yourself if you ruin our operation. Take some time to think about it before you throw everything we’ve worked for away.”
The thing was… he spoke sense. I would be mad at myself for jeopardizing an operation that could end with Ortez behind bars. But somehow, in the moment, that just made me madder.
Fury burned inside me, and I clung to it like a life raft because, if I let go, I might be forced to experience the other emotions crowding around me—like sadness, grief, and loss.
I blinked rapidly and blew out a breath, angling my face away from him, so he wouldn’t see the tears in my eyes. “Youbastard. You know what all my vulnerabilities are, but I have no idea what yours are. I don’t even know who you really are.”
A sound in the back of his throat made me glance up. His mouth was pinched at the corners, his eyes filled with hurt.
“You do know who I am.” He didn’t move toward me, thank God. I was in no state to fend him off. “I’m the same person I always was. Even if things you thought you knew about my past aren’t accurate, they’re not what makes me who I am. Inside, where it counts, I’m still the same guy you fell in love with.”