Page 37 of Timeless: Encore

Ty and Carter both nod. We all touch our foreheads together.

“So, uh…at risk of breaking up this special Hallmark moment, should we go and get you married, dude?” Jace claps me and Ty on the back and grins down at us. “I just got a text from Alex wondering where we are…”

Connor looms over us. “Of course, we can stay. Cuddle. You’re bringing a tear to my eye, so you are.”

“Fuck it. Let’s get you married!” I throw my fist in the air and bellow, “Fee, we’re ready to go.”

Fee rolls her eyes. “You don’t need to yell, I’m right here with the girls.” She’s stunning in a pinkish, flared dress.

Mia and Lena look adorable in fluffy dresses in the same pinkish color. I scoop up Mia. Jace carries Lena. We walk to Ty’s house in giddy anticipation. Well, at least I do.

“You’re adorable, babe.” Fee kisses me when we arrive. “I love you.”

I cock an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. You’re in love with love. Take care of Ty. He seems calm, but this is a huge deal for him.” Fee squeezes my hand and disappears upstairs with the girls.

I turn my attention to Zoey’s dad, Mike Pearson, who embraces Ty and motions to the door. “Olivia just texted. We’re ready. Carter, do you have what you need?”

“I do.” Carter pats the pocket on his jacket. “I’ve got the vows .”

Mike shows me, Jace, and Connor where to stand. “Your wives will join you up here by the fireplace. Ty, you’ll stand here, but before we begin could we have a minute?”

“Uh, yeah.” Ty looks a little nervous.

Me, Jace, and Connor take our places and watch Mike speak to Ty. It appears to be a special and touching moment. It makes me so happy. For as much as Carter has served a role as stand-in dad, Ty’s gaining a great father-in-law. Well, in-laws. Both Zoey’s parents have fully embraced him, despite some of the bullshit he and Zoey have been through since they’ve been back together.

I know Ty appreciates it more than he’ll ever be able to say. Despite the fact that he’s arguably one of the most well-known people in the entire world, he’s never felt like he belonged. Not really. Not until Zoey. And by extension, her family.

Fee returns with Ronni and Alex. All of our women are beautiful inside and out. But…Ronni’s dress is something else. Her boobs are nearly bursting out of her top. I glance over at Connor, whose eyes are bugged out, he’s so entranced by his wife’s chest. He shuffles his feet a bit. Adjusts his tie. I nearly bust a gut when I notice him trying to discreetly cover the tent in his pants with his hands.

God, I should ignore it. Let Connor suffer in silence. But I can’t. I just can’t. I know I’m going to hell when I lean over and whisper Fee’s advice from earlier today. “Just think about wrinkly grannies.”

Connor’s eyes widen. He’s the sage old man of the group. The guy whose been in a monogamous relationship for most of the time I’ve known him. This turn of events is hysterical. I catch Fee’s eye, flick my gaze over to Connor and back to her. Her eyes widen when she sees Connor’s distress. I mouth, “Wrinkly grannies.”

She chokes back a laugh just as Zoey appears in the doorway.

I’m going to hell. Yep. I’ve got a one-way elevator ticket down to burning hellfire.

Luckily, I get my shit together and focus on Ty, whose eyes shine with tears at the sight of his bride. I clap his shoulder and whisper, “She’s yours forever. You’re a lucky son of a bitch.”

“I know,” he whispers. “I hope I’ll be worthy of her.”

Ah, Ty. I won’t ever let him feel less than. Not when we’re all together. Not when we’re on the brink of getting the band back together again. It’s almost the new year. After the holidays, LTZ will go into the studio and tour. Life will get back to normal. Except, this time around, Ty will have Zoey by his side.

I can hardly wait.

Their ceremony is short and sweet. Heartfelt. Romantic. Carter is well-prepared and engaging. Ty’s and Zoey’s adoration of each other is what novels are written about. Truth be told, the entire atmosphere is charged with positive energy. The rest of the night flies by. We eat an amazing catered dinner. The toasts and roasts go on for a while. I’m in my element. Laughter. Joy. Love.

I even manage to catch Connor and Ronni going at it in the spare bedroom.

A bit later, Jace, Connor, and Ronni are chatting at the fire when Fee and I join them. We chat about potential management, which makes me extremely optimistic that we’re all on board to get back together.

Then I have to go and ruin it with my big fucking mouth.

At dinner, I learned news Jace hadn’t shared so I decide to tease him a bit. I make a big show of being hurt. “What’s this I hear about you being engaged?”

His reaction is unexpected. He’s actually pissed at me for bringing it up. “Jesus. It’s not like it’s big news. I proposed weeks ago. We live together. We have a daughter. No big deal.”