“Yes,” I admit.
“Then it’s not too much. Take it, Aurora. Take all I give you.” His tongue sweeps across my clit and goes farther down to my entrance. My thighs tremble when he circles my entrance, his tongue finally sliding inside me.
The desk is hard under me, bringing me back to the moment. I’m letting Nico go down on me. I’m letting him pleasure me with his mouth.
This is all too much. And yet I don’t want it to stop.
He brings his tongue back to my nub and licks harder. The growing pleasure in my body knows what to do while my mind is confused. I’ve never felt this before.
“Let go for me, Aurora.” He presses his lips and tongue hard against my clit, and my body knows what to do.
An orgasm hits me before I can stop it. My body shakes and trembles as my breath comes out ragged, and my mind is in shambles.
I slump back against the desk, all the fight leaving my body. Nico stands up, looking way too smug.
“Ready for more?” he asks.
As I stare up at the ceiling of his office, I know I can’t let things go further. It would be so easy to let Nico show me pleasure. Now that I’ve had a taste of it, it would be too easy to crave it.
But I can’t. I need to keep a distance between Nico and me. It will make killing him easier.
Slowly, I push myself up.
“Are you brave enough to let me fuck you?” he asks.
“I’m …”
“You can suck my cock, Aurora. Or if you can’t, then you should leave. Because I want to fuck you badly, but I only want to if you want me to. So, prove to me you’re ready, or leave if you’re not.”
I know I’m not ready to have sex with him. To take that final act would change everything between us.
So, I slip off the desk and tug my underwear back on and leave without looking at him. Nico doesn’t follow, but I swear I can feel his disappointment all the way down the hallway.
I rush into our bedroom and melt onto the bed. Nico won’t be joining me in here until later at night so I have time to myself.
My hands find the knife under the pillow, and I take it out. This is the weapon I’ll use to kill Nico tonight. I have no choice. I can’t let myself get too close to him. Forget Beatrice’s plan to make Nico fall in love with me. I need to end things now.
The door opens, and I don’t have time to put the knife away before Enzo is looking at me.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, shoving the knife behind me.
“Nico wanted me to let you know he won’t be joining you for dinner.” His eyes narrow. “What do you have behind your back?”
“You’re in my room. Leave.”
Enzo ignores me and rushes forward, grabbing my arm and twisting it until I gasp and let go of the knife. It falls to the ground.
We both stare at it for a long moment before reaching for it at the same time. Enzo grabs it first. “Why do you have a knife in here?”
“Uh … Nico and I like … certain things,” I lie. I hope Enzo believes Nico and I are just kinky.
But, of course, it can never be that simple.
“Were you going to hurt Nico with this?”
I gulp. “What? No!”