He leans over me, making me lean back over the chair. “Because I’m being honest about what I want, and I don’t think you’re doing the same. Who are you, exactly?”
“You said you didn’t care what my father did.”
“You didn’t answer my question.” Having my own words thrown back at me stings.
Who am I exactly? I’m a scared girl who’s acting desperately. That’s not what Nico wants, but what about what I want? I want to marry him so I can kill him.
“I am a woman who needs this marriage,” I say, speaking truthfully. “That’s who I am.”
“Mmm.” Nico eventually stands back. “For the first time since you entered this room, I can tell you were being honest. Keep it up.” He turns to Enzo. “Take her back to the living room. I’ll be out in a minute.”
Enzo walks quietly beside me as we leave. The sight of the gun sticking out of his pants terrifies me. He could so easily kill me.
I take my seat beside Elizabeth when I return to the living room.
“How was it?” she whispers to me. “You don’t look upset.”
No, I’m not upset. I’m angry. Angry at how that conversation went. Angry that Nico won’t want me now, and I will never get my revenge.
Amanda is still crying into her hands. Whatever she spoke about with Nico really messed with her. She’s not strong enough to be his wife. Nico is a dangerous man who expects certain things. I’m not sure I’m strong enough either to handle him.
Nico comes back into the living room and claps his hands, drawing everyone’s attention to him. “I don’t need to see anyone else. I’ve made my decision.”
My anxiety spikes. No. This can’t be happening. Not so soon.
Then Nico looks right at me. “Aurora will be my wife.”
Andrew’s jaw drops. “You haven’t seven spoken to the rest of the women.”
“I don’t need to. I know what I want, and Aurora is who I want.”
Oh my god. I did it. I don’t know how I did it, but I did. And now, Nico will marry me, and I’ll have to find a way to kill him.
“You can send the rest of the women away,” Nico says.
I remain seated on the couch, staring at my lap, as all the women get up. I can feel Elizabeth looking at me, begging me to say something, but I don’t have an answer. I’m not fully sure why Nico chose me. I thought our conversation went horribly. I fumbled and acted desperate.
And yet he wants me.
“Nico, may I speak with you?” Andrew asks. “Alone?” It’s pointed. He doesn’t approve that Nico chose me. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out Andrew doesn’t like me—not after the way he stared at me for so long.
“Fine,” Nico says. They walk out of the living room, leaving me behind with Enzo, who is now watching me, too. It’s like these men know I have a secret. How long before they figure out what it is?
“What?” I ask Andrew once we’re alone in my office.
“Why her?”
“Aurora? Why not? She’s just as pretty as the other girls. I like her.”
“So, you’re choosing her for her looks?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Andrew is practically shaking from anger. “Because there’s something about her I don’t like.”
I frown. “What?”