Page 5 of Ruthless King

“Why is he interviewing women to marry? Surely, a powerful man can get any woman.”

“Sure, Nico could, but I know he doesn’t like to put love into things. He’s known as the man without a heart. If he wants to marry, it’s because he wants a pretty girl he can fuck and havebabies with. So, that’s why he’s interviewing women. He only needs them for breeding stock.”

My mouth drops open, and it takes a long time for words to form. “And you want to give me to that man?”

“Yes. So you can kill him.”

“And what happens after I kill him? What happens to me?”

“I’ll get you out of there. You’ll be safe.” The way she says it is so flippant. So … casual. Will I really be safe with Beatrice? She’s trying to pimp me out to a Mafia boss for her own gains.

But she’s all I have.

And as I watch my father’s body disappear under the dirt, I know I want justice for his death. If Nico Mancini really did murder my father, then he needs to pay.

I’m just not sure I’m the one who can make him pay.

“I’m not sure, Beatrice.”

She shakes me, making me teeth rattle. “You can do this, Aurora. You’re a beautiful woman. You look just like your mother.” This is the first time Beatrice has ever complimented my looks, especially since I always got the feeling she hated that I looked like my mother, with my golden hair and the freckles on my nose. “Nico won’t be able to resist you.”

“You speak like you know him.”

“I’ve never met him in person. But I’ve heard a lot of talk about him, so I know who he is. He’s just like any other man in this business. Can’t resist a pretty face.”

“But if he’s interviewer other women, then there will be other pretty women there, too. What makes you so sure he’ll chose me?”

“You’ll just have to impress him.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then I don’t want to see your face back here in LA. You make your father proud and avenge him.”Or die tryingis left unspoken.

“If I say no?” I ask.

“You’re not going to say no.” There’s no room for discussion in Beatrice’s voice. “I’ll buy us the tickets. We’re going to New York.” She walks away while I stare down at the grave. My father is completely covered. I’ll never see him again.

Jack walks over and rests his hand on my shoulder, not saying a word.

Because we both know Beatrice will win, and I have no choice in the matter.


“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Andrew asks.

“Why wouldn’t this be a good idea? I need a wife. You told me to get a wife. So, I’m going to get a wife.” I straighten my jacket and keep walking through my mansion. The women will be arriving any moment, and I need to be there to greet them.

“But, Nico, I told you to get a wife for political gain, not to marry just any woman off the street!”

I turn to Andrew and put my hand on his shoulder. “Andrew, you’re not Italian. You weren’t raised in the Mafia like I was. You only think in terms of power, but for me, I already have more than enough. I’m the most powerful man in New York. I don’t need to marry for political gain. I just want a woman with a pretty smile who won’t get in the way of what we do here.” I clap him on the face and smile. “So, stop worrying.”

“Where did you find these women anyway?”

We resume walking. “I put the word out that I was looking for a bride. Only those with connections to our world will come here, so don’t worry. There won’t be anyone undercover, like acop. They don’t have the connections to find me. These women are heiresses and Mafia princesses. They’ll serve my purpose.”

Andrew looks like he wants to object but doesn’t. Smart man. He’s been my second-in-command for years now. Short, a little chubby with a bald spot, Andrew is no competition to me. That’s why I like him. He’s loyal.

I enter the foyer, nodding at my guard, Enzo. “Bring them in.”