‘You got it.’
‘I must go. I hope the Librarian helped because God knows I wasn’t much use. But maybe you can at least tug on that vamp lead.’
‘I will, thanks. And El – be careful.’
Her eyes softened at the nickname. ‘You too, Luce.’
As she swayed away, Ben sighed lustily. ‘I thought you and Noah…?’ I trailed off.
‘Oh, yeah, of course!’ Ben protested. ‘I’d neverdoanything, but a man can admire beauty when he sees it. She’s like Eva Longoria – andshe’s totally on my list.’
‘I am not digging into that,’ I declared. ‘But I want you to know that Noah is one of mine. He’s more than just part of the pack. If you’re not really into him then…’
‘I am!’ he insisted. ‘I’m taking it slow, but I am. I promise.’ I nodded and let it go. Sometimes you have to trust people to live their own lives.
As we walked to the bus stop to get a ride back to our car, my brain was bursting with the information I’d gained on my little trip to Oxford.
One thing was for sure: that information meant a trip to the past was a necessity. I really hoped that strolling into it wouldn’t fuck up anything important.
Chapter 27
‘I’m going with you,’ Greg said flatly.
‘To Maxwell’s? Sure,’ I agreed readily.
‘To the past.’ His tone made it clear that he would brook no argument, and to be honest I wasn’t feeling all that inclined to argue with him. I was all kinds of edgy about strolling into history; I’d done it twice before so this little stroll would be my third and final trip. More trips than that and the Third realm started to take a hole puncher to your brain, removing all sorts of important bits like memories and your personality.
I was sorely tempted to send one of my wolves instead but I was terrible at delegating and it seemed like a shitty thing for a good leader to do. I shouldn’t ask anything of my people that I wouldn’t do myself.
Besides, Maxwell might be willing to let me break the rules by using the hall as a time portal rather than just toget in and out of the Common realm. Accessing the Third was a huge no-no; he’d do it for me because I was family, not just any old flunky. It was me or no one, and if it was me I really wanted Greg by my side. ‘Okay,’ I confirmed.
‘Okay?’ he parroted, startled.
‘Did you expect an argument?’ I slid him an amused glance.
‘Well, yes, actually.’
‘Nope,’ I said cheerfully. ‘I want my wingman for this.’
You already have a wing woman.Esme pouted a little.
I do,I said gratefully,but this is one of those occasions where more is more.
As opposed to the occasions where more is less?
You’re getting it.
I hope we catch the thief red handed and we can feast on their entrails,she said eagerly.
What is it lately with you and entrails?
I’m peckish,she admitted.
I leaned forward and picked up an apple from my fruit bowl.
Not that. Don’t you dare! I need meat, Lucy. Honest to goodness meat. The salty one.
I snickered in my head.