“Don’t speak to your mother like that,” Peter snapped.
“You’re right, Dad. I should be speaking to you. How dare you arrange this without asking me. This is not the 1800s, and you don’t get to arrange my betrothal. You don’t get to move me around like a pawn on a chess board just because I don’t fit inside your tiny box of who you want your son to be. I will not be pressured into some sort of fucked-up arranged marriage. I’m leaving.”
He stood up, seeing red. And that’s when a vision cut through his haze: two women, their mouths open in shock. The most beautiful woman in the world, and her best friend.
Chapter 26: Liana
Liana was glad she had Tori next to her. The two were clutching so tightly to each other’s hands that they were probably cutting off their circulation. Liana thought she would have probably fallen over without Tori to steady her.
“I will not be pressured into some sort of fucked-up arranged marriage.” The words reverberated in Liana’s brain. With Mary Grace and the four parents at the table, Liana figured she could piece together the gist of what had just happened.
“Victoria?” said Mary Grace meekly to her twin. “What are you doing here?”
James went to Liana and Tori put an arm around each woman’s shoulders. “You said this was a family dinner, remember? And Mom, you said you consider the McMahons part of our family. The last time I checked, Tori was part of the McMahon family. The only decent part of the McMahon family, in my opinion. Or did you leave her by the wayside because she wasn’t in on your little plan?”
“W-what plan?” Tori stammered.
“I knew it,” said James. “I knew Tori wouldn’t be a part of this. Tor, your parents and sister took the liberty of conspiring with my parents to offer me a job working for your dad, which apparently also comes with the coveted title of Mary Grace’sboyfriend. Obviously, I did not know about this plan, and I want no part of it.”
He turned to Mr. McMahon. “Sir, you’ve always been kind to me, and I’m going to assume you had the best intentions in offering me a job with you. I appreciate your generosity and I am sorry that my parents and Mary Grace put you in the awkward position of thinking this was something I wanted. Mary Grace probably manipulated you and told you there was a chance of us getting back together when there isn’t. I can’t get back with Mary Grace. I already have a girlfriend.”
He laced his hand through Liana’s and took a step toward his parents. Liana hesitantly stepped forward. “Mom, Dad, please meet my girlfriend, Liana. Liana, this is my mom, Daniella, and my dad, Peter.”
Though her insides were tied in knots, Liana knew that James needed her to be strong for him at this moment. She schooled her features into neutrality and held out her hand first to James’ dad and then to his mom. “It’s nice to meet you both.” Figuring she ought to greet the other parents at the table, she offered a small smile to Tori’s parents. “And Mr. McMahon, Mrs. McMahon, it’s good to see you again.” Even now, Tori’s parents had never indicated for her to call them by their first names.
“Hello, Liana,” said Mrs. McMahon, looking somewhat dazed. “It’s nice to see you, honey. I wasn’t aware that you and James were dating.”
Mary Grace stood up and reeled on James. “Were you with her when you were with me?”
Liana made to take a step back, but James held her hand firmly. “No,” James said decisively. “I would never cheat on any girlfriend of mine. This happened long after you and I broke up.”
“It’s true,” Liana jumped in. “We started talking less than two months ago. Before that, I hadn’t seen James since high school. I promise, Mary Grace, none of this was meant to hurt you.”
James ran his thumb over the back of Liana’s hand. “That’s right, Mary Grace. This isn’t about you for once, which I know you find hard to believe. Not that we owe you any sort of explanation, since again, I repeat, you and I are nothing to each other.”
Mary Grace spluttered, and as much as Liana tried never to wish ill on anyone, she couldn’t help but find the situation slightly amusing. She glanced at Tori to find a look of utter delight on her best friend’s face. Tori loved one-upping Mary Grace.
Peter attempted to step in, placing what Liana assumed was supposed to be a calming hand on his son’s shoulder. “Now, James, let’s not let our emotions get the better of us. Let’s take a moment to calm down and think about what we want to do, and then we can all talk about this like grown-ups while we eat our dinner.”
James barked out a laugh. “Dad, you’re the one who needs to think about what you did. And you all can have dinner without me. Liana and I are going home. I am going home with my girlfriend and her best friend.” He inclined his head to those still seated at the table. “I would say it’s been nice seeing all of you, but I don’t like lying. Mom, please consider this my two weeks’ notice. I quit the foundation. I’ll run the event next weekend,since we’ve already planned it and I know how important saving face is to you, but then I’m done. I resign.”
Liana tried not to feel sorry for James’ mom, whose cheeks were marred by silent tears. She elegantly dabbed at her eyes with the corner of her napkin.
“Mrs. Alonso, obviously this wasn’t the way I wanted to meet you,” said Liana, feeling like she owed her some sort of explanation. “I didn’t know — I didn’t mean to cause trouble.”
“Yes, Mom,” said James, “Liana lives her life in an honest and straightforward way, with little drama. It’s one of the many things I love about her.” Liana’s heart leapt into her throat at the word “love.” Surely word choice wasn’t at the forefront of James’ mind right now, and he probably spoke without thinking. But maybe he’d secretly revealed how he actually felt. Would he say it to her another time, when emotions weren’t running high? If he did, she realized, she was ready to say it back.
“Liana,” James continued, “you didn’t cause any trouble. You and Tori are the only two people here who didn’t cause any trouble. And that’s why I’ll be leaving right now with the two of you. Ready to go, Tor?”
Tori nodded and James waved jauntily, suddenly looking lighter than Liana had ever seen him. “Bye, fam. Let’s not do this again.” Still clutching Liana’s hand tightly, he strode out of the restaurant. He paused near the door to lean down and kiss Liana. Suspecting he was doing it for the benefit of the audience, Liana tried to look extra happy as she kissed him back.
As soon as they climbed into Liana’s car, Tori let out a whoop from the backseat. “That was EPIC, James! I’ve never seen anyone put my sister in her place like that. God, I wish I hadfilmed it! Did you see that look on her face? Priceless! And you totally pwned my parents too! If I’d taken a picture, I would have fucking framed that shit and put it on my wall.”
“Pwned?” Liana laughed. “Is it 2014 again?”
She glanced over at James, who was looking ahead stoically. He still held her hand in his lap. “You okay?” she asked quietly.
He nodded tersely. “Thank you.”