“Good to see you, Sara. A nice surprise, is it?”

I look up and nod. “Sure is!”

May walks over, stopping in front of us. A smile forms across the corners of her lips.

“So, you are taking my number one employee away for the night.”

Robert lets me go and rests his hands on his hips.

“Only if she’s done for the day. I would never want to keep her off her job, Ms. May!” And he actually salutes. I crack up.

“Oh, you’re fine,” May assures him. “I am just happy to see you two together.”

“What are you doing here? I thought we were going out on Sunday?” I ask. “Not that I mind, of course.”

Robert chuckles. “I figured I would take you somewhere special tonight.”

“But I’m dressed like this?”

“Doesn’t matter. I just want to take you to a spot I know you will love, Sara.”

I know I can’t win this fight. When Robert wants something, he gets it. Of course, it’s usually, okay almost always, to please me!

“All right. I’ll be ready to leave in a few.”

After I finish my rounds, I head back to the car. May waves as we pull away.

“I’ll see you two whenever!”

“For sure! See you on Friday!” I cry out from the car.

We drive off, and when I look at Robert, he smiles. A grin of anticipation crosses his face.

“So where are we going?” I ask again.

“I told you, it’s a surprise. And I’ll bring you back here later to get your car.”

I grab his hand, holding it tightly.

“I’m holding you to it.”

Robert drives off toward the city but then takes a right. We go down an unfamiliar road until we get to a large-scale apartmentbuilding out by the water. He drives into the parking garage and parks in a spot with his name. After he turns the car off, he turns to me.

Chapter thirty-two


We get out of the car. As I reach for Sara’s hand, she grabs mine, holding it tightly. I don’t ever want to let it go. We make our way to the elevator, and I press the button for the top floor. As the elevator goes up, I look out the glass front. The skyline’s a brilliant blue and gold against the dark sky, and I smile.

“Wonderful view.”

“Yeah. I wanted to bring you here because I wanted to make tonight special.”

“I see. And it couldn’t have waited till the weekend?”

“’Course not,” I retort, pulling her against me. “I don’t want to wait because I know I won’t have as much time, once you start school.”

The bell dings, and I guide Sara down the hallway. I grab my keycard and push it through the slot when we reach the door. As we step inside, I throw the lights on and Sara’s eyes take in the sight.