“Katie, I doubt this is going to turn into anything.”
“You never know, hun,” she replies as she lies back down. “I think you should take it.”
I’m left at a crossroads. Sure, he’s hot, but do we have anything in common? I doubt it.
“I don’t think we have anything similar. He’s older and grumpy. Probably likes stuff like doing taxes.”
“Sara, people over thirty don’t just sit around and do taxes until they rot and die.”
“Yeah, but you never know!”
I stand up, flustered by her words. My face reddens, and Katie groans.
“You’re red.”
“I am not.”
“Girl, a tomato is less red than you! Anyway, I think you just need to stop waffling around and just take this chance! If it ends up sucking, well, there you go.”
I sigh, annoyed by Katie. She means well, and her being a hopeless romantic despite not having a boyfriend contributes to this sentiment. She has lived through me ever since that guy in high school asked me out. We went on one date, and it kind of sucked, but she was salivating, hearing about it.
“Anyway, I’m not sure what I’ll do.”
“Think about it. In fact, sleep on it, and then see what happens.”
I nod, taking in her words. She does have a point. It’s not like I have to just decide right this minute.
“I suppose you’re right?”
“Suppose? YouknowI’m right.”
I head to my room and lie down on my bed, thinking about what Katie said. Sure, this is so different from what I’m used to, but at the same time, I’m not completely against it.
I reach for my phone and get the paper out. My eyes scan it over, seeing his number. With hesitation, I push the buttons, dialing his number. I sit back, waiting for the phone to ring. A moment later, I hear the click.
“Harrington Properties, Robert speaking.”
I sit there, unable to find the right words. It’s like my voice is lost, nowhere to be found. I have to think fast.
“It’s Sara.” Silence fills the line. I take a couple of deep breaths, remembering the meditation techniques to help with anxiety. It doesn’t stop the roaring fear in my heart, but it does help slightly. “From the…coffee shop. The barista.”
As I say those words, I question whether I want to do this. Am I ready to take a chance, even if it means possibly getting hurt by some older guy I barely know?
The answer is yes.
Chapter four
It’s Sara. The girl from the coffee shop. I hear her voice, unable to form any words.
I thought she would’ve tossed my number the second I gave it to her. But I guess things are different than I thought.
“This is a surprise,” I begin, chuckling a little bit.
“Yeah, well, you gaveyournumber to me. And I want to know why.”
“Isn’t it obvious? I wanted to apologize for being rude earlier. “