“Didn’t you want me to see him, though, Katie?” Sara asks.

Katie sighs, shrugging. “Yeah, but I didn’t expect him to just show up at our apartment. Seriously. Anyway, I’ll let you two talk it out. Just be careful of your heart my friend.”

Katie closes the door with a little bit of force. We stand there as an awkward silence simmers between us. I scratch my head, attempting to figure out where to begin.

“I’m sorry for showing up so suddenly.”

“It’s fine. I’m just surprised, that’s all.”

“I don’t blame you if you really don’t want to see me ever again, Sara. But can we at least talk somewhere? Preferably not here,” I ask.

I don’t mind the apartment complex, but I can tell Katie doesn’t want anything to do with me. Then again, I do kind of deserve it.

Sara nods. “Yeah, I was just planning on going home and settling in for the night, but we can talk.”


We head back down and approach my Tesla. As I key fob the car, we slide inside and there is silence between us. I turn on the car and back out.

“I think there’s a couple of nice places we can go if you’re fine with a little drive.”

“I don’t mind.”


I take the highway for about ten miles until I see the signs for Stone Beach. When I pull off, I head to the first parking spot that I can find. As I approach, I turn the car off and look at her.

“I think this place is nice.”

“Looks like it,” she remarks, staring out at the ocean. “I forget that we’re this close to the ocean. I don’t really get a chance to come out here often.”

“Yeah, me neither. Work and all.”

We get out of the car and walk down toward the beach. Not a soul is out here, and as we sit on the rocks, I look up. Stars twinkle throughout the night sky.

“It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?”

She nods. “Yeah. Haven’t had a chance to go out like this in a while.”

My heart thumps. I look at her, taking a deep breath. The only thing I can do right now is just tell her my feelings. “I’m sorry for what I did, Katie. For hurting you like that and saying those things. I know that you don’t have to forgive me, but . . . .”

“You’re the one who left the envelope with May, aren’t you? The one with the money for the sanctuary?”

I nod. I can’t deny that, especially with how important it is to her that I not lie. “I did.”

“How did you figure it out?”

I look at her, hesitating for a second. I don’t want to tell her about how I had Rebecca snoop, but maybe I should.

“I did my research.”

“But how? That information isn’t public—”

“I work in the real estate and property sector. I rehabilitate land and purchases. I asked a contact of mine to give me information on the place.”

“So, you planned on buying it then?”

“Not at all,” I say quickly. “Sure, I used that excuse to get the financial records,” I admit, “but I have no intention of buying.”