She walks over, stifling a couple of coughs along the way. “You’re still young and spry. You’re a boy to me, sonny.”
“Appreciate it. Is Sara here?”
She shakes her head. “No. She’s coming in later tonight. It’ll be her last night here, but—”
I hand her the envelope. She opens it, and sees the cashier’s check. Her eyes widen as five more years of her life practically enter her body the moment her eyes take in the numbers.
“What is—”
“It’s for the outstanding bills and for renovations to this place. I know that Sara loves it and you, and when I heard it’s in trouble, I couldn’t just sit and wait.”
May doesn’t say a word but instead stares.
“Robert, you don’t have to do this. I know Sara loves this place, but—”
“She loves this place more than most people, May. You and I both know that.”
She nods solemnly and looks near the doorway. The sun is bright in the sky above us and it seems to be bringing hope and joy, or that’s what I take away.
“I know. I have let this place go. Sometimes things do come to an end.”
“Don’t,” I reply. “Just don’t. I don’t want Sara to be more heartbroken than she is already.”
She nods but doesn’t say a word.
“What do you plan to gain from this, Robert? You haven’t been around in who knows how long.”
“There is nothing to gain from this,” I reply. “I just want to see Sara happy. This place is a second home to her, and I know that if she loses this place, she’ll lose those dreams. I don’t want to see her lose that bit of spark.
And I want to do it for you too, May. You’ve spent your life caring for animals that can’t help themselves. You are leading a very noble life that should not end in despair.”
I look down, remembering how, even with my parents shoving down my throat to go into the same business world that they are in, I refused. I wanted to do real estate and make money puttingtogether amazing places based on plots of land. I was able to live my own dream.
“You see yourself in her, don’t you?” May asks.
“Yeah, I do. She loves animals, and she’s shown me that I do too. She’s opened my heart to that as well. I want her to follow her dreams, even if it means that she may stumble and fall along the way.”
May smiles. “That’s good to hear. Thank you again, Robert.”
“Don’t mention it. But don’t tell her it’s from me, all right? Just say you managed to secure the funds to keep the place.”
“But what about Sara? What if I want to give this place to her?”
I pause, trying to figure out what to say. I know that I have to tell her everything eventually.
“Just tell her this place will be all right. I’ll talk to her as well.”
May nods, clutching the check.
“I better go and cash this check. I’ll have the money first thing tomorrow and then I can pay the bills.”
“Good. Do that.”
May approaches the door, coughing once again. She grabs the doorframe to steady herself. I reach for her, but she extends her hand.
“Don’t worry about me.”