“How did you—”

“Don’t question how I got this. I used some of those connections that you insist I only use in an emergency. Well, thatand Lily also gave me a few things since, you know, her dad’s position and all.”

I look them over in-depth. When I get to the body, I look at Rebecca, who stands there nervously.

“This is correct, right?”

“Yeah. I cross-referenced them. I contacted Lily to make sure that she didn’t give me bad graphs, but it’s all legit.”

“I see. So, they’re really doing this badly, right?”

She nods. “Yes. The collectors have asked for months, according to Lily, but the lady can’t pay. They’re at the end of the line, and if she doesn’t pay it all, they’re going to lose this place. She’ll be evicted”

“That’s not happening,” I spit out immediately. “I’m not letting this happen.”

“And how do you plan to do that?”

I open the drawer where the white envelope sits. I wanted to give this to Sara directly, but I don’t think that’ll happen.

“I need to see someone important. Please, please cancel all of my meetings for the evening.”

“Sir, that’s, like, five people! What are you—”

I look at her and shake my head. She’ll understand when she falls in love.

“This means a whole lot more than some boring meetings that won’t mean anything in the long run. Tell them this is a personal emergency, and we’ll talk first thing tomorrow.”


I grab my keys and wallet, heading toward the door. Rebecca follows, and we trot down the hall toward the elevator.

“Do you think whatever you’re planning will work, Robert?”

“There’s only one way to find out.”

The doors open, and I step inside, smiling.

“Thank you again. You don’t know how much you’ve helped me.”

“No problem! But please do be careful.”

As I head down, I think about what to do. I saw the monetary amount needed to keep the place going and eliminate the debts. It’s a drop in the bucket for my company, but I know we won’t be able to manage it in time through the usual internal process. So here I go.

When I get out, I sprint to my Tesla, typing in the directions and checking the gauge. I have enough to get to the sanctuary and back. I have to hurry.

The numbers indicate that tomorrow would be the last day, last and final. I have to get there before things get any worse. I drive like a maniac through the streets, zipping through cars and running a couple red lights.

A few people scream at me, but I don’t care. I need to be there now to save this place.

When I pull up to the gravel at the sanctuary, I step out and see no other cars there. Inside, I look around and call out, “Hello?”

A cough echoes from the room in the back. I know it’s not right of me to go into a dark, empty place like this unannounced, but sometimes you have to act rather than think. I approach the door and then open it.

May coughs, almost hacking up a lung. She looks over at me, smiling.

“Oh, it’s you. That boy from before.”

“Hi, there. Yes, it’s Robert,” I reply. “I’m not really a boy, though.”