Rebecca plays with the paper, looking away.
“Did something happen with a girl or something? You’re almost never the type to say you can’t do something. You’re one of the most driven bosses I’ve ever had.”
I snort at Rebecca’s words. “Appreciate it.”
“So, itisa girl then,” she replies, winking.
“It’s not that.”
“All right, but we need to do something about this contract. It’s huge, and it could be great for the business.”
“I agree. Let me take a closer look.”
Rebecca hands the details over to me. Andrew’s contact, Herbert, wants to meet in Berlin to discuss the finer details. I pore over the contents, only to get to the bottom.
“Wait a second.”
I stare, reading the fine print. I shake my head and hand it back.
“We can’t.”
“But it’s—”
“Don’t question. I’ve got to take care of this. Send an email to Herbert and tell him that I need to speak immediately. Do not wait.”
Rebecca backs out, nodding.
“W-will do, sir.”
She closes the door and I fold my hands. I know that if I do pursue this contract, our business will skyrocket. I’ll be one of the biggest trading companies out there. However, I just can’t do it.
When I saw the fine print, that pushed the entire opportunity off the table.
My phone rings ten minutes later with a video call. Of course, it’s from Herbert. With a sigh, I press the green button and sit down.
“Hello there, Herbert. Good to—”
“Vat is the meaning of zis!” he screams, slamming his hand on the table. “I followed your conditions. And now you’re just tossing away this opportunity.”
I nod. “I sure am.”
“But vhy? Vhy are you doing zis? I worked with you on Andrew’s behalf, and now—”
“Because I saw the fine print of the contract,” I explain. “I saw the condition where I’d have to relocate everything to Berlin for two years.”
That part of the contract pushed the deal off the table for me. I can’t possibly leave this place. Herbert pauses and shakes his head.
“Did you not read za contract?”
“Oh, I did. And I can’t agree with this. The offer’s final without the relocation. If you don’t like this, then I’m sorry, but that’s the way things are going,” I explain.
Herbert doesn’t say anything. The vein on his forehead grows. I know he’s upset. This has been something I spoke with Andrew about for a little bit, and he mentioned it would benefit all of us. But I don’t see it as a benefit if it means I have to leave.
Herbert sighs and composes himself.
“What do I need to do to get you to come here? What can I offer?”
“A contract that doesn’t include me relocating everything to Germany.”