I grab it, looking at the caller ID. It’s not anyone I know. After what Robert said, I haven’t had the heart to talk to him, despite seeing his calls. This could be him using a different number. With hesitation, I press the button and take the call.


“Hi there, is this Sara Wright?”

“Yes?” I reply, confused by the words. The voice is feminine but serious on the other end.

“Hi there. This is Roberta Thames with Norton Community Hospital. I’m calling because you are your mother's contact.”

“My mom?”

I know mom has had some issues, but she hasn’t been bothered by them in a bit.

“Yes. We’re calling because she’s here. She had a fall, and we’re working to stabilize her. It may take a bit but—”

“I’ll be right there.”

I hang up the phone, only thinking about my mom right now. The sanctuary can wait. Right now, I have to go see her. I take off and drive to the hospital, heart racing and hoping she’s okay.

I can’t possibly lose her too.

Chapter twenty-two


“Of course.”

I drop the phone down. Sara hasn’t picked up the phone in a few days, and I don’t know what to do next.

I call Andrew, finding out that Maria quit the company. It apparently had something to do with what I said. I’d feel bad, but this is what I want. I don’t want her anywhere nearby. And frankly, Maria has probably already planned her next target. I want – no, I NEED Sara, and I have to make things up to her.

Now, it’s been three days, and I haven’t heard anything. It’s upsetting, and it makes me wish that there was something I could’ve done back then. Well, “should have” is more accurate. I was such a fool.

My phone beeps, and I look, hoping it’s Sara. When I see the caller ID, I frown.


What could he possibly want now? With a groan, I press the green button.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Hey there, Robert. How are you?”

“Fine, I suppose.” The last thing I need is to air out my relationship drama to my dad.

“That’s good. Say, your mom and I want to see you at dinner tonight. We have some big news, and we want to tell you first.”

“Sure, where at?”

“Pete’s on Main work?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.”

“Perfect!” my dad says, almost too excited. “We’ll see you there at seven.”

I hang up, frowning as I wonder about what he could want. Dad’s normally not the type to be a go-getter like this, so it could mean one of two things.

One, something good happened, or, two, something bad happened.