Her hand rests on mine. I slide it away instinctively. When Maria touches me or does anything really, it makes the gut-wrenching feeling in my heart even worse.

I don’t want this. I don’t want her.

After we finish our food, Maria gets up and looks outside.

“Are you free to catch up?”

“I’ve got to get back to the office in a bit,” I reply, averting my eyes.This isn’t what I want, so why am I even considering another conversation?

I follow Maria out of the café and see the cashier staring at me, wide-eyed and confused. I turn away. I wonder if she remembers me from Sara’s exploits.

We walk outside, and Maria gestures to the park. “Let’s go there.”

“I don’t need to—”

“Oh, come now. Andrew has another message for you.”

I sigh, defeated and unsure of what to do. I figure it’s another lie, but I follow her over there. As we sit down, Maria reaches for my arm. She clenches around it, clinging, and I move away.

“I’m sorry Maria. I just. I can’t.”

“What do you mean?”

My heart races. I don’t want to hurt her, but the sooner I get this off my chest, the better. I take a deep breath, mustering up the courage to just tell her everything without any stops.

“Why are you here? What’s your real reason?”

Maria’s eyes widen, the walls coming down. I knew from the moment she appeared this wasn’t just a business meeting. She stands up, touching my hand.

“I’ve missed you, Robert. I know it’s been a long time, and I regret what I’ve done, but—”

“So, you step back into my life, thinking that you can just waltz in like that?”

She nods. “Yes. I’m a different person, Robert. I’ve done some growing up. I want to start from where we left off, and this time I won’t run away. I promise.”

Her hand sits on my shoulder. I look her in the eyes. They’re focused, unwavering. She’s telling me the truth, at least in her own mind. But it makes me want to vomit, hearing this.

I shake my head, knowing the answer from the bottom of my heart. “I’m sorry, Maria, but that’s impossible. I don’t want to try again.”

“What do you mean? You’re different too, right?”

“Yes, and those seven years hardened me. Honestly, after the mess with you, I thought I’d never fall for someone again. I thought I was a lost cause.”

I remember the people my parents tried to set me up with. Tiresome women who only cared about my position and power. None of them gave a darn about who I was as a person.

But after meeting Sara, I realize that there’s something more there. She’s a breath of fresh air, the sunshine I need in life, and not nipping this in the bud, telling Sara how I feel, is already one of my biggest regrets.

“I know, and I’m sorry I hurt you like this. But please, I want to try again and—”

“I don’t, Maria. I don’t want another chance. I don’t want you!” My words are harsh, and they feel rough, even as I utter them from my lips. Maria sighs and looks down. Her hands clench.

“So, all of this was for nothing then. I worked hard, trying to be better—”

“You might’ve gotten better and improved, but so have I. There’s someone else, and right now I regret not being as adamant about our relationship as I should’ve been.”

Maria steps back, tears falling from her face.

“Goodbye, Robert. I know exactly where I sit with you. I hope you have a nice life, and I don’t plan on ever seeing you again.”