“What are you doing here? Is this a work colleague?”

Maybe they work together. Robert’s office is close enough to drive over here. He clears his throat.

“Actually, we—” begins Robert.

“We’re on a date. Well, more like discussing work-related topics together,” she interjects, glaring at me.

I stand there, processing all this. It has to be some kind of joke, right? I try to keep it together, taking a couple of deep breaths.

Robert can’t possibly be seeing another woman. I thought we had something special. It’s not like we’re dating-dating, but I thought I meant something to him.

“I see,” I reply, looking down. “In that case, I’ll take your order. I guess since I don’t matter, that is.”

“Sara, that’s not—”he tries to interject, but he is stopped by the blonde’s loud voice.

“Robert, did you date her or something?” Maria pointedly asks, loud enough for the entire place to hear.

Our eyes meet. He has one chance to make this right. He can tell this woman that he’s off the market and—”

“It’s complicated, Maria. Let’s just order and then discuss business.”

“Of course,” the woman named Maria replies, clinging to him once again. The sight of him with her is like a stab in the heart. I hold back tears as I nod.It’s complicated he said.

I croak out: “Let me take your order.”

Maria looks at the menu and then smiles. The crow’s feet are apparent around her eyes, and she’s at least a decade older than me.

Is this the type of woman that Robert likes?I close my eyes to keep the racing thoughts from invading me.

“I’d like a number four with a latte with skimmed milk, remember? What would you like,dear?”

I cringe hearing the “dear.” Robert doesn’t respond but then looks up.

“I’ll do the same.”

“Oh, see! You and I are so alike—”

“Okay. The total is there. Just pay, and I’ll give you the number,” I interrupt robotically. Averting my eyes. Maria pays for their food, and I hand her the ticket. At least the card machine worked this time.

“It’ll be brought out when it’s ready.”


She storms off, sitting at one of the tables in the front. I look at Robert, who refuses to move.

“What is this, Robert? Why are you here with her—”

“It’s complicated, Sara. We had to talk about something and—”

“So, you brought her here then, as some kind of way to brag. Or maybe to tell me the truth about how you really feel.”

“No, Sara, it’s not like that—”

“Then what is it?” I interject. “Is she your girlfriend or something? I thought I mattered.”

Robert’s eyes refuse to look at mine. He sighs, rubbing his temple.

“It’s not like that. She’s a work colleague, and I’m trying to get a contract signed. It’s not that deep, Sara.”