“So, like, what’s the plan then?”

“Well, we’ll be going for the weekend at the end of the month. There’s an extra room so we don’t have to stay together.”

“Right. Sounds good. I’m not ready for anything like that,” I clarify.

Looking at the time and the flashing message across the screen, I stand up, and she does the same.

“Well, duty calls.” I tell her. I hope that the pure exhilaration in my voice doesn’t frighten her. I’m just overjoyed that she will go.

“Right. It’s good to see you. And I’m excited for our trip.”

“Likewise, I really want to introduce you to my family,” I tell her.

I turn and walk away, heading back to my Bugatti. She disappears back into the café, and as the door closes, I process what just happened.

I did it. I asked her to come with me. I know this is different from meeting the parents after a date, but I’m happy it worked out. I can’t help but smile thinking about it.

I don’t know if this will mean something else, but I want to take a chance. Maybe Sara is exactly what I need to finally get over my past failed relationship.

Chapter nine


What just happened?

I walk inside, my thoughts swimming as I head in. Bianca looks at me across at the cash register, her brows furrowed and curious.

“There you are. I saw you talking with that guy.”

“Yeah, uh, that’s my boyfriend. I think.”

Bianca’s head cocks at my words.

“You think?”

“Yeah. I don’t really know if we are together or not,” I admit.

Robert hasn’t reached out in the last couple of weeks, but he’s here now, asking me to come with him to Bermuda, of all places! I’ve got to text Katie and tell her.

“Well, that’s interesting. I’m happy that you found someone—wait, that’s the guy from the other day, right?”

I nod slightly. “Yeah. We went on a date, and he’s actually really nice.”

Bianca’s hand rests on her chin, scratching it. “Very interesting development. Never would’ve thought you two would end up dating.”

“Trust me, I can barely think straight after this either,” I admit. I’m still reeling from what transpired.

I head to the back, catching my breath. My chest tightens as anxiety floods my body, and I take a few calming breaths before the tightness disappears.

Now, to figure out time off.

The café’s pretty flexible on time off, as long as you give them plenty of advance notice. I put in the request, praying that Lukas doesn’t have some kind of hidden agenda and won’t let me go.

I try to go through the rest of my day, but the entire time, I can barely think straight.

Robert wants to take me to a whole new country. And he wants to introduce me to his parents? This feels like some sort of fairy tale dream that only happens in those romance movies that Katie loves to watch.

Speaking of which, I’ll have to tell her. I text her, telling her that we need to talk when I get home.