“Oh yeah, that’s right, I have property out there too, as well as you, Dad. How’s Uncle Willie doing?”

“As crazy as ever. I don’t think that man will ever die.”

“I hope not. I like him.”

“Yeah, well, don’t tell him that. It’s going to get to his head.”

My father laughs, and I stifle a chuckle. He’s definitely an interesting guy. Dad acts much younger than he is, and despite having carcinoma for a couple of years, the man’s as spry as ever. He even sits on the beach and fishes for hours despite his doctors insisting otherwise.

“So, what did you need to ask?”

“Oh yes. Let’s get back to that. Well, Mom and I are thinking that, at the end of the month, we could go down there together and have a family gathering.”

I adjust my watch, checking my calendar.

“The last week?”


“Works for me. It’s an empty week for me since it’s the beginning of the quarter.”

“Wonderful! So you’re invited, and we’re thinking of just going down there for a couple of days. I want to make sure that the stuff growing on my land is surviving.”

That’s right. Dad has a sugar cane farm on his. It’s run by this sweet older couple, who gives him reports about net sales and profit each quarter. There’s also a house on the property where Uncle Willie can stay if he wants to, but he’ll likely want to stay at his own place.

“Anyway, I wanted to make sure that you were okay with this date and if you planned on bringing someone. It can be a business partner or a friend or—”

“Actually, there is someone.”

The line goes silent. My father clears his throat, surprised by my words.

“Really, Robert?”

“Yes, Dad. I’ve kept it under wraps for a reason, but there’s a girl I’m speaking with.”

“Oh. I see.”

My father doesn’t say another word. That can only mean one thing. He’s surprised and has no clue how to approach any of this.

“Yeah, it’s a girl I’ve been talking to a whole lot. She and I hit it off, and well—”

“I’m happy for you son.”

“We’re not dating. Don’t get that idea. But she knows about my business and the properties.”

“So, she knows about the wealth.”

“Yes, and she’s fine with that, and I feel that she is not the least money-obsessed” I explain.

My father whistles but doesn’t utter another word.

“Well, I knew this day would come eventually. This is quite the surprise.”

“Sure is, Dad.”

“I’m happy for you, though, really. But, when I tell Becca, you know she’s going to ask for the finer details.”

“Mom can have them when she meets her,” I reply.