I look over at Bianca, who cleans out the carafe and dumps the old coffee. We try to keep our black coffee as fresh as we can.

I nod. “Had a real charming customer today.”

“Oh, that guy? Yeah, he didn’t have to talk to you like a servant at his beck and call.”

“Right? I swear, some people that come in here act like the world’s ending because their coffee’s made a little differently.”

I don’t know why people get that uppity about coffee. I mean, I have my preferences and don’t like a ton of sugar or milk in my drinks, but still. The nerve of some of these guys, acting like I’m the one in the wrong just for doing my job.

Bianca’s hand rests on my shoulder. “Relax. The guy’s just one customer.”

“He is, but still. This is why I like working with animals. They don’t sass you off for trying to do the right thing.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Bianca muses, running a hand through her dark brown hair. She grins, stifling back a laugh. “Remember that one horse you complained about kicking you?”

“Oh gosh, that was one time!”

“Yeah, but he was having a bad day too.”

“True,” I mutter, looking away. “I just wish I could be out there helping the animals instead of getting lattes for selfish guys.”

“It’ll happen. Trust me,” Bianca replies, resting her arm on my shoulder.

I sigh, torn about this. Bianca supports me, but it feels like I’m at a dead end sometimes.

“I don’t know.”

I’d love to just work with animals and avoid the concept of people forever. But that’s not easy. The animal sanctuary is great, but the pay is nothing. It’s mostly volunteer work because May, the owner, struggles with taking care of them on her own.

Not that I blame her. She’s old; just like the animals, she can still move around like it’s nothing, but I try to help her as best as I can.

“Anyway, we’ve got a few minutes till closing. I’m going to clean up, look at the receipts, and add up the cash.”

“Go for it.”

I open the cash register and take out today’s receipts, counting how much we’ve taken in. Not too bad. It stinks that I get paid a set amount with tips, but it is what it is. Maybe one day, I’ll hit the jackpot and make my own sanctuary. I’d love that. Being with animals and helping them is my dream. While I can’t live that life for now, I can at least scratch that itch by assisting the owner in every way I can.

I quickly finish the tally and lock up the cash register. Bianca scurries around each of the tables, putting the chairs up so that she can mop floors. When she finishes cleaning, she waves toward me.

“I’m heading out.”

“Same here. I’m exhausted.”

That’s another thing that stinks about this job. The hours. It’s seven till two, but I get up so early to make it here that I wish instant transportation existed. It would save me time, dawdling in traffic.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. And don’t get so worked up over that guy.”

“I’m not,” I mutter.

She laughs, the sound echoing around the room. “Sure, dear. Whatever you say. But really, don’t let it get to you.”

“Oh, trust me, he’d have to do a lot to get to me,” I reason.

He was super attractive and clearly rich, given the platinum card, but it’s not like he’ll ever come back here again. I shrug it off, hoping that tomorrow will be better. It’ll be a new day, and I get to see the animals. That’s reason alone to smile.

Chapter two
