Page 12 of Taming His Mate

That doesn’t stop her from slapping me hard enough to send me flying across the room. I hit the bookshelves and crumple to the hardwood floor. Through dazed eyes, I watch a pair of expensive leather shoes stride across the room toward me.

“You will do your part andthis timeyou will succeed!” my father, the alpha of our coven, spits down at me. “We will have control of the Alpha of Alphas and this time you will make sure that happens. If you fail us again, there will be no second chances, and we will have no more use for you.”

“But don’t think that you’ll escape a quick death,” my father’s face twists into a maniacal grin as he describes my punishment for failing. For the first time, I’m truly frightened. Not just for myself, but for all the factions. If something happens to Jarik’s mate, his beast will fall into a berserker-like rage that no one will be able to control. If I let this happen, all the factions will be doomed.

“We’ll keep you imprisoned for the rest of your life,” my father promises. “Allowing you just enough blood so you don’t die, but you’ll never be satisfied.”

My parents have truly lost their minds in their desire for power, and we’re all going to pay for it. I need to run. I need to go to Jarik and tell him what they are planning, but who would believe me after everything I’ve done. I have no friends within the factions. I’ve destroyed any trust I might have garnered. Even my mate finally sent me away. I have no one.

Luka, forgive me.



I’m wearing my favorite Armani suit, but instead of it making me feel sexy and powerful, I feel trapped. The silk shirt might as well be sandpaper on my skin. The tie is suffocating and the wool too constricting. Underneath my own discomfort, I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right.

The party is a two-for, to celebrate Jarik’s ascension as Alpha of Alphas as well as the birth of his son. All the factions have been invited.

“Brother,” I say as I make my way to where Jarik and Mercy are standing.

Mercy is wearing a lovely navy gown that fits her luscious body like a glove. Strapped to her chest, with matching fabric, little Noa is looking around with wide blue eyes. His hair is blond like his mama’s and so fine that he still looks bald.

“You look lovely, sister,” I say, dropping a kiss to her plump cheek.

Her smile falls away. “Luka, what’s the matter?” she asks with a slight frown. My sister-in-law misses nothing.

“Nothing at all,” I assure her, flashing her my usual grin. The way she cocks her head, I know that she’s not fooled, but beforeshe can say anything there is a commotion and we all turn to watch as the vampire faction arrives.

I can’t stop the hitch in my breath when I catch sight of Isabelle. She’s dressed in her signature shade of blood and dripping with diamonds. My heart clenches at how beautiful she looks as well as the subtle droop in her shoulders and the way her smile never reaches her eyes. Something is off.

“Jarik,” I warn him without taking my eyes from her.

My brother scents the air and nods. “They are up to something.”

I’m not sure if her hearing picks up our soft words, or if my presence simply captures her attention, but her head snaps to the side and our eyes lock. For the briefest moment, she looks panicked. Her amber eyes flare and she pales under her expertly applied make-up. It’s only a flash before she lifts her chin and purposely looks away.

Putting himself in front of Mercy, Jarik watches the vampires make their way across the ballroom towards us. Alaric, the faction alpha, and his mate Lysandra are at the front, followed by Isabelle, with the rest of the faction trailing behind.

“Alaric,” Jarik greets the vampire alpha, holding the taller alpha’s eyes in a show of dominance.

“Alpha,” the vampire alpha greets Jarik in return. He dips his chin but refuses to drop to a knee as is the custom.

Alaric’s obvious disobedience doesn’t escape Jarik’s notice, but his eyes slide to his side where he greets the alpha’s mate. “Lysandra,” he nods to her before looking behind them. “Isabelle.”

The females curtsy, Isabelle dropping low as is customary, while her mother merely bobs before stepping to the side and motioning to her daughter, “Alpha, you’ve met Isabelle.”

I watch, stunned, as Isabelle strides right up to Jarik and takes hold of his hands before leaning in to place a kiss on one cheek, then the other.

“It’s always a pleasure, Alpha,” she greets him in a sultry voice that makes my cock jump and my beast snarl.

Before I think, I’m moving toward her with my hand out. My beast is growling with the intention of pulling her away so that her body is pressed to mine and not my brother’s, when suddenly the vampire faction moves. Like a choreographed dance they split. Adrenaline floods my veins as half of them move to cut off my route to Izzy. The other half of the faction is making their way for Mercy, and I realize what is about to happen. If they separate my brother from his mate, his beast will fall into a rage and no one will be safe from the wrath that will be unleashed.

But before I can shove my way through the vampires, Isabelle moves faster.

“And you are Mercy?” Her voice is no less seductive as she suddenly steps around Jarik to reach past him to Mercy. “And your adorable son.”

Noa looks up at her with wide blue eyes. No doubt stunned by her beauty.You and me both, little dude,I can’t help thinking. Mercy, on the other hand, is looking at Isabelle with narrowed eyes filled with unease.