The feeling of completion bursts deep in our chest like a bomb.Yes. Mates. Finally.
Her happiness is like looking up at the bright sun after a season of clouds. Our connection is instant as is the completion we all feel.
My beast howls his joy as we fuck our mate. Thrusting in and out of her tight heat until she’s moaning her pleasure.
Make me come, my mate.She begs as her core begins to quiver around us.Please, make me come and complete this.
Releasing our bite, we lap away the last of the blood before planting our fists on the bed on either side of her. With our muzzle still pressed to her neck, we breathe in her changing scent as we fuck her hard. Izzy screams as her fingers curl around our wrists, clinging to us when we push her over the edge. Forcing more and more of our cock inside of her until my beast’s knot slips inside and locks us together.
We come together. Curling tightly around each other as wave after wave of pleasure crashes in and around us. When she’s drawn out the last drops of our cum, we collapse on top of her. If we’re crushing her, she doesn’t complain.
Slowly my beast falls back, and I feel my body returning to me. Sated and knotted, Izzy is motionless under me, so I curl my arms around her and turn us to our sides, before following her into sleep.
“This is dumb,” I pout from the passenger seat of Luka’s Tesla X model.
“Don’t start, Izzy,” he warns me.
Folding my arms across my chest, I huff out a childish sigh. “Your brother’s bi—” Luka cuts me off with a dark warning look. I roll my eyes, “Hismatehates me. I don’t know why you think this meeting is going to change anything.”
Luka stays silent as he expertly takes the turns and curves leading to Jarik and Mercy’s estate, but I can hear him in my head. He’s desperate to mend the rift between his family and me. I wish fixing this is as simple as he seems to think it is.
“Your brother hates me too, in case you missed that fact,” I add.
“No one hates you, Izzy.”
I roll my eyes at his obvious ignorance. Or maybe it’s just blindness. It hasn’t been that long since Jarik’s human tried to take my head. If Luka thinks that I’ve somehow forgotten, he’s an even bigger idiot than he’s making himself out to be right now.
The closer we get to the grand house located at the very top of the mountain, the more I start to fidget in my seat. Ok, so maybeit’s me that’s nervous about this meeting. In my defense, it’s not like I’ve done anything to make these people like me.
A twelve-foot-tall gate opens automatically for us; either because of surveillance or maybe Luka has a chip or something in his car. My fidgets turn to nervous squirms, and I wipe my suddenly sweaty palms down my pants. I paired the black Niemen Marcus wide leg slacks with a cream silk sleeveless top and crimson cardigan. A simple pair of strappy sandals adorn my feet, where I’ve painted my toenails a matching shade of red.
“Just… be nice, Izzy.” Luka suggests as we turn into the long drive that will lead us up to the house.
I snap a narrowed look at him. “What makes you think thatI’llbe the one not being nice?”
He returns my look and arches one of his sandy eyebrows.
“Fucker,” I mutter under my breath, folding my arms across my chest again and glaring out the window at the massive mansion coming into view.
It’s a three-story stone monstrosity that looks like something stolen from an English Moore and plunked down in the middle of the forest. There are even flickering electric candles in each of the windows.
Luka turns off the car and hurries around to get my door. Taking hold of his outstretched hand, I let out one last sigh before letting him help me from the low riding car. “It’ll be fine,” he assures me as he tucks my hand into the crook of his elbow and leads me up the stone steps to the massive wood doors.
Before we get close enough to knock, they swing open wide and a grinning Jarik appears.
“Brother!” he bellows, just before his eyes land on me. His grin vanishes, “I thought you were joking when you said you were bringing…her.”
“See! I told you,” I hiss. When I try to snatch my arm back, Luka only tightens his grip on me.
“Jarik, don’t,” he warns his brother.
“Luka! Why are you still standing out there? Come in—” Mercy pushes herself around Jarik and freezes. “Oh.” She also deadpans when she sees me.
“I knew this was a stupid idea,” I snap, yanking my arm free and taking a step back. “I’ll just go back?—”