Page 39 of A Moment In Time

“Excuse me, sir. The bar isn’t open yet.”

Gage glanced back at him. “Not even for the next mayor of Calaway Crossing?”

Paxton grinned. “Man. I’m so sorry. What was I thinking?”

“I guess the job may have a few perks.”

Paxton went behind the bar. “Do you need a refill?”

“No. I had one and a half. I have some articles to write.”

Paxton shrugged. “It didn’t stop Hemmingway.”

“I’m not Hemmingway.”

“No. But you’re good at what you do.”

Gage smiled. “I guess this is pump up Gage day.”

“We all have our parts to play.” He started setting up the bar. “I don’t suppose you’d like to help me get ready to open?”

Gage stood. “Sorry, man, I’ve got to get back.”

Paxton shook his head. “Give a guy a bit of power and he forgets about the little people in his life.”

Gage finished his beer. “I’ll never forget about you, little brother.” He took a five out of his wallet. “Will you give this to Becca when she wanders by?”

“Sure. But you’re spoiling her.”

“You need to be nicer to her.”

Paxton saluted him. “Yes sir, Mr. Mayor.”

As Gage was walking back to the office, he ran into Lily.

“Good afternoon, Gage.”

“Hello, Lily.” She blushed, and he added. “I’ve been meaning to come in. I need some new reading material.”

“Well, there’s an entire building full of books waiting to be read.”

“Maybe you can set aside a few you think I might like.”

She blushed again. “Of course. I’ll do that when I get back from lunch.”

“Thank you. I’ll be in this week. Have a good day, Lily.”

“I will. You too.”

He continued to the office and went inside. Sydney was at her desk eating a sandwich and Gage suddenly remembered he offered to bring her pie.

“Damn. I forgot your pie.”

She waved a hand. “It’s okay.”

“No. I’ll go get you a piece from the café. I’ll be right back.”

He went the opposite direction and went into the café. Londyn was serving a table, but came to him when she finished.