Page 99 of A Moment In Time

“Will you buy me a drink?”

“We don’t pay for our drinks.”

“I know. Just pretend you like me enough to buy me a drink.”

He turned toward her. “Becca. My dear cousin. Can I buy you a drink?”

She put a hand to her heart. “How sweet of you. Yes, thank you.”

“You’re weird, you know that?”

“It runs in the family. It trickled down from Grandma and Grandpa.”

“I’m going to tell them you said that. And what makes you think I don’t like you enough to buy you a drink?”

“It’s just hard to tell sometimes. But I think that’s all about to change.”

Chapter twenty-eight

"It's a girl thing."

Gage and Sydney were sitting with Booker and Clementine in the dining room of the Ambrose Tavern. Londyn was serving them and had brought them drinks from the bar. Clementine was drinking a virgin daiquiri. The men were drinking beer. And Sydney had a glass of wine.

The April Fool’s Day dance was held on the fourth this year in order to be held on a Saturday. It was semi-formal, despite the holiday, and they were all dressed accordingly. Clementine had found something to wear, and Sydney looked beautiful. Gage was impressed by both women. And he had to admit, both he and Booker looked pretty good in their suits.

Remington came out of the kitchen to say hi to them.

“Wow. Look at this crew. Very striking.”

Clementine smiled. “Thank you. Although, I’m hardly striking in this dress that is a wee bit tight.”

He kissed her on the cheek. “You’re beautiful, sis.”

Booker took her hand. “I agree.”

“Alright, fine. I’m gorgeous.”

“That’s the Calaway spirit. Calaway Rafferty spirit now, I guess. What are you having tonight?”

Londyn came up beside him. “Excuse me, boss. That’s my job.”

Remington gave her a slight bow. “You’re right, of course. You may give your order to my lovely waitress. Have fun at the dance.”

Gage nodded. “Thanks, Remi. You and Bryn aren’t going?”

“No. Bryn sailed through the first trimester. But now she’s been getting morning sickness every evening. I need to go home and help her with Adisyn.”

“So, you’re working alone tonight?”

“Uncle Rand has been here since four.”

Clementine took Remington’s arm. “Tell Bryn we love her.”

“Will do. Have a good night.”

Dinner was good as always and when they were finished, the women excused themselves to go to the restroom. Gage watched them go, then looked at Booker.

“Why do they always go in pairs? I’ve never once asked a guy to go to the bathroom with me.”