Page 97 of A Moment In Time

“Not yet.” He checked his watch. “But it’s early.”

When they heard the front door open, Gage assumed it was Dale. But a moment later, Clementine appeared at his door.

“Good morning, guys.”


Sydney smiled at her. “Morning.” She looked at Gage. “I’ll go get to work on folding papers.” She left the room, closing the door behind her.

Clementine grinned at Gage as she sat in the chair in front of his desk.

He shook his head. “Go ahead and say it.”

“It’s about damn time.”

“So your husband ran right home and told you what he saw?”

“You know Booker better than that. He tried to keep it to himself. But I knew something was up. So don’t blame him. He can’t resist my charms.”

Gage glanced at her six month pregnant belly. “I noticed that.”

She rubbed a hand over it. “What does this mean, exactly? Are you together, together? Like…you know.”

“First off. How together we are is none of your business. But considering I’m recovering from a giant pine tree attack, it’s probably safe to assume the extent of our togetherness has been a bit limited.”


“How many people have you informed about this development?”

“I only called Bryn and Elaina.”

“Okay. And they told their husbands.”

“Cooper may not know. I couldn’t get a hold of Lyric.”

Gage shook his head. “Wow. I think we can close down the paper and I’ll just tell you anything I think the town should know.”

She gave him a sweet smile. “Just keeping the family informed. If you don’t want people to know your business. Don’t make out in the parking lot of the Pizza Shack.”

Gage laughed. “Okay. You got me there.”

“Would you two like to come over for dinner tonight?”

“I’ve got to go to the town meeting.”

“Later this week, then?”

“Sure. I’ll talk to Sydney. The April Fools dance is Saturday. Maybe we could have dinner before that at the tavern.”

She cocked her head. “I know how to cook now.”

“I know. Booker seems to be getting plenty to eat. He’s not wasting away or anything. I wasn’t suggesting you can’t cook.”

“Okay. Dinner on Saturday sounds fun. I just don’t know what I’m going to wear. Nothing fits me. I’m getting huge.”

Gage knew this was where he was supposed to weigh his words carefully. He decided to not respond at all, and change the subject. “As my unofficial campaign manager, what do we have planned for the next two weeks?”

“After the dance, the town hall meeting next Thursday. And I think that’s it. You made it.”