Steve looked through the door. “Where’s home?”
“Castle Springs. Little town north of Billings.”
“It looks like you’ve still got a lot to do. Maybe you should get some sleep before you tackle the rest of it.”
“I’m leaving most of it behind.”
“Are you trying to sell it?”
“I just don’t want to bring it with me. Why? Do you need some furniture?”
“Actually, my little brother is moving into a place. He could really use it.”
Sawyer went inside. “Come on in and take a look.”
Jade dropped her coat by the door, then went to the couch and sat down. “I can attest that the couch is very comfortable. As is the bed.”
Steve took a quick look in the kitchen and bedroom. “How much do you want for it?”
“Zero. If you want it. Just haul it the hell out of here.”
“Really? Are you going to remember you said that tomorrow?”
Steve took a card from his pocket. “Here’s my cell number. Call me tomorrow and I can come pick it up.”
“You got it.”
He and Joe went to the door. “Okay, you two. Go to bed and sleep it off.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you for getting us out of the damn elevator.”
“You’re welcome. Just doing our job.”
They left and Sawyer closed the door behind them, then dropped the card on the desk. He smiled at Jade, then went and sat next to her on the couch.
Jade leaned on him. “Are firemen like policemen?”
“In what way?”
“Are you supposed to do what they tell you to do?”
Sawyer thought about it with his alcohol muddled brain, then nodded. “Yes. If it’s fire or safety related, I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to listen and do what they say. Why?”
“The cute one…”
“No, Steve.” She looked at him. “You thought Joe was cuter than Steve?”
“That’s not what I said. I was just trying to figure out who you were talking about.”
“Steve said we should go to bed.”
“Hmm. He did. Didn’t he.”
“Uh, huh.”