Page 94 of The Wayward Son

Jade stared down at her wet coat. “When we get rescued, I’m going to smell like a brewery. And they’re going to know we’ve been drinking.”

Sawyer laughed. “I think they’re going to know that with or without the smell of beer.” He unbuttoned her coat and helped her out of it. “We’ll just set this over here and tell our rescuers it was here when we came in.”

“We can’t do that. I need my coat.”

“I’ll buy you a new coat.”

“But I like that coat.” She rubbed her forehead. “I think I’m drunk.”

“I think you are, too.”

She put her arms around his neck. “Have you had enough to drink now?”


“For doing what you wanted to do a little while ago.”

He put his hands on her waist. “And what would that be?”

“Make out with me.”

“We can’t make out. We’re friends.”

She poked a finger into his chest. “You told me women and men can’t be friends for this very reason. So, I say, while we’re slightly intoxicated, we should experiment a little.”

“Experiment, huh? And slightly intoxicated?”

“Yes. What do you say? No strings. Just two friends experimenting.”

“I say…I’m all for experimenting.” He pulled her in close and kissed her. “How was that?”

“Not bad. But I’ll need a lot more data before I can come to a conclusion.”

“I think I can supply you with all the data you need.”

They spent the next hour kissing, laughing, reminiscing, eating Skittles, and drinking. When they were in the middle of a kissing session, they heard a clang above them. They stopped, moved away from each other, then looked up toward the sound.

Sawyer looked at Jade. “Shit. I think someone’s out there.”

They both stood and called out to their possible rescuers. “Hello. We’re stuck in the elevator.”

Jade laughed. “Well, duh.”

After another clang, and a long, drawn-out screech, the doors of the elevator opened. The elevator was between floors and the top three feet opened onto the second floor. The faces of two firemen looked down at them.

“Hi folks.”

Sawyer waved. “Hey.”

“Are you guys alright?”

“Yeah.” He gave them a thumbs-up. “We’re super.”

“We’re here to get you out. Someone reported hearing some yelling.”

Sawyer pointed at Jade. "That was her, not me."

She shoved him. "Hey."