The doors opened, and she stepped into the elevator. Sawyer sighed, then followed her inside.
Jade pushed the number two button, and the elevator creaked and groaned, then started moving slowly. Suddenly, it screeched and stopped with a jerk and a thump.
“Dammit, Jade!”
Chapter twenty-six
"Drop down and give me fifty, mister."
Sawyer went to the panel and started pushing buttons. When he glanced at Jade, she had a hand over her mouth, covering a smile.
“What’s so damn funny?”
She started laughing. “This.” She leaned against the wall. “This is hilarious.”
He shook his head and continued pushing buttons. Then he opened the door marked telephone. All it contained were some bare wires. He felt the pocket he usually carried his cell phone in and found it empty.
“Shit. Why don’t I ever have my phone on me when I need it?” He took a breath. “Shit, shit, shit.” He turned to Jade. “Do you have yours?” She shook her head. “This sucks.”
“Someone will come along and report it not working.”
“The manager doesn’t come to his office until nine in the morning. We could be here all night.”
She took the bag with the beer and tequila in it. “Well, at least we won’t go thirsty.”
“Why aren’t you freaking out? This is something that would normally freak you out.”
“The old me, maybe. But like I’ve told you, when I’m with you, I feel safe. So there’s no reason to freak out.” She sat down and leaned against the wall of the elevator, stretching her legs out in front of her.
After a moment, Sawyer sat next to her. “Break out the beer.”
Jade opened the twelve-pack and handed him a can of beer, then took one for herself. They both opened them and took a sip.
“We should play a drinking game.”
“We’re not going to play a drinking game.”
“Like Never Have I Ever.”
“No. And I’m pretty sure I know what you’ve done and what you’ve never done.”
She looked at him. “You haven’t seen me in eight years. Do you really think I haven’t done or experienced anything new in that time?”
He took a sip of beer, then held up his can. “Never have I ever drank beer while stranded in an elevator.” They both took a drink. “See. Nothing new.”
“Fine. But I just want to have one turn.” She thought for a moment. “Never have I ever…had sex somewhere other than the bedroom.”
He scowled at her, then took a drink.
She turned to him. “Where? And with who?”
“I’m not telling you that.”
“Was it here or in Castle Springs? In the hayloft? In a meadow? Did you get sunburned?”
“Jade. Jeez. Stop. I’m not telling you. That’s not part of the game.”
“I think it is.”