She stood. “Okay. Well, I’m going to go upstairs. Good night,Jade.”
Sawyer watched her go. “That’s what I like about you. You’re so mature.”
She flipped him off and kept walking.
Sawyer laughed. “She’s such a sore loser.”
Jade looked at him. “Maybe if you didn’t brag about winning.”
“Who’s bragging?”
She pointed at him and took on his tone. “Like taking candy from a baby.”
“That wasn’t a brag. That was the truth.”
Jade got to her feet. “I’m going to go get ready for bed.”
Sawyer watched her go, then put on a jacket and went outside to the front porch. The snow was falling, and the plowed driveway had a new five-inch layer of snow. Decker and Mick came out of the doghouse they were sharing and walked over to him.
He petted them both. “Hey guys. Sorry it’s so cold. If it were up to me, I’d let you in the house. But I guess you have a job to do. Not that any living thing in its right mind would be out there tonight, causing trouble. At least you have each other.” He glanced at the small propane heater a few feet in front of the door to the doghouse. “And I nice heater.”
When the door opened, Jade came out with a blanket wrapped over her pajamas.
“What are you doing out here?”
“It’s so quiet. I like watching the snow fall.”
“You may not say that tomorrow.”
“Probably not.”
She moved to his side and stood close with her shoulder touching his. “It is really pretty.”
“And quiet.”
“It was.”
She bumped her shoulder into his. “Shush.”
“You shush. Just stop talking for a moment and listen to the quietness.”
She opened her mouth to say something, then stopped herself.
They stayed on the porch for several more minutes, then went back inside. When Jade went to make up the couch, Sawyer watched her.
“You’re welcome to Granddad’s bed.”
She looked at him. “Nah. I’m good.”
“What’s wrong with Granddad’s bed?”
“Nothing. It’s just…weird.”
He laughed. “Okay. It’s not like he’s a stinky old man.”
“I know. That’s not what I’m saying. The couch is fine. You go sleep in your grandfather’s bed.”