“You look good.” She turned on a smile, one I’d seen in her roster headshots, a boilerplate gesture I knew well. Every actor on the planet had one. Not too forced, not too broad. “I was sorry to hear about Yokohama.” She seemed genuine. Nice, even.
Dillon’s shrug of indifference was not convincing. “No matter. Can’t win them all.”
“Won’t ever stop you from trying though, will it?” Her smile softened, growing authentic, before she turned to me. “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met? I’m Kelsey.”
“Kameryn.” I shook her hand.
“American?” She seemed surprised, but there was none of the hostility as had been with Imogen. “Footballer?”
“Oh,” I laughed, nervous, “no.”
“Kam’s an actress,” Sam supplemented, sounding like a little kid with a secret they just had to share. “That’s okay to say, right, Kam? That’s not taboo?”
I laughed. “Only for my parents, who are a little less enthused.”
“What brings you to London?” Kelsey asked. There was no hidden dig or covert agenda. It made me feel guilty, despite having no reason to. She was just nothing of what I’d imagined. There was no resemblance to the cocky, self-assured, occasionally belligerent player I’d watched on TV. Here, she was nothing more than a regular girl—no different than me—navigating the awkwardness of an uncomfortable breakup.
It didn’t matter that she was dating someone new—that she was in love with someone else. It didn’t change the reality that she still clearly cared about the person who’d made up her past.
I knew the feeling, and though the jealous side of me had geared itself up to hate her when Dillon mentioned it was likely our paths would cross tonight, I found I didn’t feel that way at all.
“I was filming up in Aberdeen…”
“Lass is being modest! Not just any film shoot. Kam’s starring inSand Seekers!”
Kelsey’s blue eyes widened. “Sand Seekers—as in the books?” She glanced from me to Sam. “Wow. I mean—isn’t that huge?”
Imogen poked her nose back into the conversation, returning with two drinks in hand. “What’s huge?” She passed a glass to Kelsey.
“Sand Seekers!” Sam hadn’t lost her kid-in-the-candy-shop grin.
“Oh, God, not this again,” the goalkeeper rolled her eyes. “I swear that bloody movie is all we’re going to hear about all night.”
“Wey aye, man!”
“And how do you two know each other?” Kelsey asked, the question aimed at me and Sam. Before Sam could answer, Imogen felt the need to interject.
“She’s here with Sinclair.” The statement was spat with such annoyance she may as well have rolled her eyes.
“Oh.” Kelsey’s canned smile returned. “Of course. I didn’t realize…”
Behind us, through the double doors leading into the tavern, the smooth beat ofMurder On the Dancefloorkicked on.
“I love this song!” Imogen clapped her hands, grabbing Kelsey’s arm. “Come dance with me! Let’s get this party started!”
With half-hearted resistance, Kelsey allowed herself to be dragged off as Sam was swept away by another group of friends.
“Sorry about Imogen,” Dillon whispered, drawing her face close to mine to be heard over the music. “She’s can be a real rotter—”
“—she’s just protecting her friend,” I cut her off, my fingers wanting to find hers, but remaining obediently by my side. I didn’t have to look to know Kelsey’s eyes were still on us, stealing glances through the door. “I won’t fault her there.”
Obscured amongst the crowd of people snaking their way toward the bar, she let her fingertips graze mine. “You know, we don’t have to stay too long...”
“It’s your best friend’s birthday,” I scolded.
“Yeah, and? She’s got a couple hundred people who want her attention tonight—I just want yours.”
“Worried I’m going to take Sam up on her offer to find me someonedishierto leave with?” I teased.