“As was I. Dani texted me last minute. Someone off the A-list invitees must not have shown,” he matched her spurious smile. “Always gracious of you to host on Christmas Eve, Mrs. Hallwell.”
“Hm.” It was the same censured murmur as her daughter, from the same botoxed lips. Her gaze drifted over his shoulder to Dillon. “Leave it to Dani to take in all the wanderers. I don’t know how she possibly expects me to squeeze in another setting at the table.”
“If you loan me a tux, I could make myself useful with the serving staff, Mrs. Hallwell. Problem solved.”
The woman ignored his jest, her attention diverting to where her daughter was approaching them from her most recent trip to the bar.
“Are there any other unexpected arrivals I should be made aware of, Daniella?” she asked, brushing past her daughter without waiting for a reply.
Dani paid her no mind.
“Carter!” she squealed, the sound cutting through the jazz instrumental ofGod Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. “You came!” Her uneven steps and glassy eyes attested to the fact that the martiniin her hand was not her first of the evening. “How good it is to see you!”
Carter. The name returned Dillon’s attention to the young man beside her. Kam had mentioned a boyfriend from secondary school. One who still lived in her hometown. And by the simper on Dani’s lips, there was no question the last-minute invitation hadn’t been coincidental.
“I—hi,” he gave her an awkward side hug, evidently taken back by the overt enthusiasm of the greeting. “Thanks for the invite.”
“Totes,” Dani trilled, still swaying. Vodka spilled over the rim of her glass as she tipped it toward Dillon. “I see you’ve already met Kameryn’s friend Damian.”
The mistake was so deliberate, Dillon almost let it go, not wishing to give the conniving twit the satisfaction of the correction. But the annoyance of being called by the wrong name all night trumped her desire to skip the little game.
“It’s Dillon, actually—”
“Oh, right,” Dani waved off the error as irrelevant. “I knew it was one of those—what do they call them—gender-neutralnames?”
“Kind of like the nameDani?” Carter asked with zero attempt to disguise the dig. He winked at Dillon, who hid her smile, but it was unnecessary because Dani’s attention was already whirred in another direction.
“Kameryn!” she sloshed her glass through the air, waving it like a beacon. “There you are! Look who’s made a surprise appearance!”
Dillon turned to see Kam stop midstep, the smile fading from her face as she laid eyes on Carter.
“I was just making introductions. As I was saying—Carter, this is Dillon, one of Kameryn’s work acquaintances—she didn’t have anywhere else to be for the holidays, so she’s joined us.AndDillon,” she overannunciated the name, “this is Carter, Kameryn’s boyfriend.”
“He isnotmy boyfriend.” Kam haltingly resumed her forward motion.
“Riiight,” Dani singsonged, “whatever you’re labeling it these days—we all know you’re a thing.” She shot a pseudo-confidential smirk at Dillon. “Sweethearts since high school, she just likes playing hard to get.”
Kameryn’s hands balled into fists at her side. “Dani.Stop.”
A roar went up from the men watching the TV, briefly diverting the tension in the room, and then the low murmur of the pundits returned.
“Hey, Kam.” Carter’s laugh was tentative as he turned his efforts toward peacekeeping. “Safe bet to say you didn’t know I was coming?”
“No.” Kameryn didn’t smile.
“Well, I guess it wouldn’t be a Hallwell Christmas without one of us playing the pigeon in Dani’s games.” The line of his smile turned hard as his gaze shifted to Dani. “We can certainly always count on you to be a meddling pain in the ass, can’t we,Daniella?”
It was impossible not to appreciate the entire disregard he had for caring whether he got tossed out by the Hallwells. Though Dillon suspected he knew the action was unlikely. He had the sort of demeanor of someone accustomed to getting away with blatant effrontery.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Dani turned up her chin, speaking down the barrel of her perfect nose. “I simply thought we might all spend the evening together, for old time’s sake.”
“Always you, Dani Hallwell—so full of thought and consideration,” Carter mocked, before continuing. “Tell me, what are you ladies drinking?” The question was aimed towardDillon, but his eyes were only on Kameryn. It was obvious he wanted to please her. “Is it still a Manhattan?”
Kam’s hands slowly unballed from their fists, though Dillon could still feel the edginess radiating off her. “No. I mean—okay, I guess.”
“Great.” He glanced toward Dillon. “And what can I get you, my balcony buddy?”
Dillon held up a palm to decline. “I’m good.”