Zap!Sally’s poor heart almost shot out the window. She felt the sudden threat of tears and she squeezed her eyes tightly shut to hold them back. ‘What a weird thing to say.’

‘Not so very weird. Just romantic.’

‘I suppose Michel knows he’s going to have to wait five years? At least he’ll have plenty of time to refine the menu.’

‘Perhaps not.’

Was she delirious?

Not daring to open her eyes, Sally sank back against the pillows and lay very still. Her head was fuzzy and she knew shewas terribly confused. Why was Logan talking about weddings and caterers who didn’t have to wait and – ?

‘Sally, look at me.’

No. She couldn’t. If she opened her eyes, her tears might spill and she couldn’t bear that humiliation.

‘Sally, darling.’

Darling? Her eyes shot open.

Logan’s smile was terribly worried and his eyes were shining with a suspicious dampness. He swallowed. ‘I want you to know that acting on the best advice available, I’ve binned the five year plan.’

‘Who –’ Sally swallowed to get rid of the strangled feeling in her throat. ‘Who told you to do that?’

‘A little bird pointed out some important home truths.’

‘I don’t understand. What are you saying?’

‘A very brave, little golden Finch pointed out that I was an ostrich with my head in the sand, avoiding the truth.’

‘The truth?’

‘Yes, the truth that you, Sally, are without question the most wonderful woman I have ever met and I can’t imagine trying to face life without you.’

Miraculously, all at once, the hollowed pain around her heart began to ease.

‘I should have told you this on Friday night after the ball,’ Logan said. ‘But I stuffed up and did the exact opposite.’

The mere mention of that terrible night made her shudder. ‘I didn’t help. I threw you out.’

‘I deserved it Sally. I thought I was being honest with you, protecting you. But I was being totally dishonest about how I really feel. When I was standing out on the street, I knew that I was losing you and I couldn’t bear it.’

Yes, she’d seen the loss in his eyes and it had nearly killed her.

‘It was the worst night of my life,’ Logan said.

‘Mine, too.’

‘I came around early the next day and knocked on your door. I telephoned a couple of times. I drove past your house countless times, but there were no signs of life, so I assumed you’d taken off for the weekend. I was petrified when you didn’t turn up at work this morning. I was sure I’d lost you.’

‘Poor thing.’ Reaching up, Sally touched his face with her fingertips, savoured the masculine rasp of the skin on his jaw. ‘There’s no need to look so worried.’

He smiled crookedly, then drew her into his arms and kissed her beautifully.

‘I hope I don’t give you the flu.’

His lips were warm as he nuzzled her neck just below her ear. ‘If I catch the flu, you can look after me.’

‘I’d love to.’