‘Was that when you had to leave your private school?’ she asked, remembering what he’d told her at the teambuilding workshop.
‘Yes, but I coped.’ His face was stony. ‘My father didn’t. He had a nervous breakdown and couldn’t work again. My mother had to go out to work just to feed us.’
‘And you’ve never forgiven your father,’ Sally said quietly. She wanted to cry. How could Logan let his father’s mistakes rule his life?
‘It’s not so much a matter of forgiveness.’ Logan’s jaw jutted stubbornly. ‘I learned a valuable lesson about planning for the future. I have to make absolutely certain that my finances arecompletely secure before I consider marriage or a family. I won’t be looking for a permanent relationship for at least five years.’
‘What happens then?’ This time Sally didn’t even try to hold back her anger. ‘Will you take a quick look around and find Miss Right just sitting there, waiting to be snapped up?’
‘It’s not as simplistic as it sounds.’
‘It’s worse, Logan.’ He was looking stubborn and gorgeous in equal parts and Sally wanted to hit him. She couldn’t stop thinking about the way he’d made love to her. How could he have been so tender and beautiful with her, so intense and passionate and then walk away as if it meant nothing?
Why couldn’t he see that emotional wellbeing was equally if not more important than financial security?
‘Tell me,’ she demanded hotly, ‘what will you do if you fall in love with someone before the five years are up?’
He shook his head. ‘That won’t happen.’
‘How can you be so sure?’
‘I won’t allow it to happen.’
‘You’re crazy!’ Something inside Sally snapped. She thumped her mug on the table and leapt to her feet. Tears clogged her throat as she raised her voice. ‘In another five years you might grow up.’
‘Sally!’ Logan was on his feet, too. ‘I didn’t want to upset you.’
‘I’m not upset.’ They both knew it was a lie, but she wasn’t about to admit that she was angry, that she felt used, that her heart was ripping itself into a thousand pieces.
‘I suppose you’d like me to leave,’ he said quietly.
No, no!She wanted to plead with him to stay and it almost killed her to be strong. She said, icily, ‘You’ve made it obvious there’s no reason for you to stay. I’m sure you have a business to worry about!’
Grim-faced, Logan picked up his damp jacket and shrugged into it.
They didn’t speak as they walked to the door. This was unbearable. Logan’s hang-ups had ruined everything. Sally was sure he had strong feelings for her. They should have been taking up where they’d left off last night – like any normal couple who were madly attracted to each other. But he’d chosen to punish himself and punish her as well. How dared he play with her emotions!
They reached the front hallway. ‘Sally, you’re a wonderful –’
‘Don’t!’ she shouted as her disappointment and anger exploded. ‘You’ve said enough.’ Fighting tears, she reached behind and slid down the zip on her dress.
‘What are you doing?’
She glared at him. ‘Giving you back the dress you paid so much precious money for.’ She pushed the straps aside and wriggled her shoulders free.
‘B-but you don’t have to.’
‘I most certainly do. And you know it!’ The dress slid downwards in a silken whisper.
Logan gaped at her. He looked as if he were about to burst a blood vessel.
Wearing nothing but her strapless bra and tiny panties, she stepped haughtily out of the golden pool of fabric, then scooped it up and thrust it into his hands. ‘Thanks a million, Mr. Black. I adored wearing this.’
She opened the door for him, but Logan was too stunned to move, so she set her hands squarely in his midriff and pushed him. He got the message then and backed away with the rippling gold gown in his hands.
The last thing Sally saw was the pain and sad loss in his eyes. She had just enough time to slam the door before she burst into tears.